Family Research Council will back challengers to Republicans who supported same-sex ‘marriage’ bill 'These bedrock principles about the true meaning of marriage are not negotiable.' News Calvin Freiburger • Aug 3, 2022Aug 4, 2022
Public school enrollments down as parents start noticing liberal propaganda In the age of COVID, parents are taking a stand against public school identity politics and indoctrination by removing their kids. Opinion Dan Hart • Dec 19, 2020Jul 30, 2021
DC archdiocese sues mayor over ‘unfair’ COVID restrictions on worship The archdiocese is taking its cue from the Supreme Court's decision against New York's governor. Opinion FRC Action • Dec 14, 2020Jul 30, 2021
Republican legislators keep fighting for election integrity, enraging Democrats 'We're on the side of righteousness,' said Pennsylvania state senator Doug Masriano, 'and we need to fight forward politically, not just roll over.' News FRC Action • Dec 14, 2020Jun 18, 2021
Christians cannot support Joe Biden’s remarks in favor of ‘transgender’ mutilation Biden wants to reinstate Obama-era executive orders mainstreaming surgeries to make people look like members of the opposite sex. This cannot stand. Opinion Joshua Arnold • Oct 20, 2020Jul 30, 2021
Conservatives can’t settle for ‘just trust me’ on true pro-family SCOTUS nominee Roberts and Gorsuch prove that a rubber stamp is not enough when it comes to confirming Republican-nominated justices to the Supreme Court. Opinion Tony Perkins • Sep 23, 2020Jul 30, 2021
Churches hold the line in court against tyrannical COVID restrictions on worship It should be inconceivable that government officials would threaten churches for holding worship services. News Tony Perkins • Sep 23, 2020Jun 18, 2021
Despite warnings of lawsuits, Alaska city bans therapy to nix same-sex attractions A pro-family expert informed Anchorage's assembly that similar ordinances in Florida and New York earned those who passed them much legal trouble. The assembly went ahead anyway. Opinion FRC Action • Sep 2, 2020Jul 30, 2021
Republican convention voices show where Democrats will lead America if Biden wins Showing viewers the one thing Democrats don't want voters to see: a preview of exactly where they'll take America if they have the chance. Opinion Tony Perkins • Aug 27, 2020Jul 30, 2021