We have to work together to bring our government to heel. To stop the collusion of government, academia, and the media to control the 'great narrative.'
Canada’s cancelled frontline doctors are true medical heroes for speaking the truth about effective treatments for the COVID-19 virus and have an urgent message to share with the worldwide medical community. Canada’s canceled COVID doctors refuse to be silenced — they are sounding the alarm about crimes against humanity and best practices in medicine and science. These heroic Canadian medical professionals are freedom fighters who will stop at nothing to proclaim the truth. Watch now in this exclusive presentation to LifeSiteNews journalists as Dr. Mary O’Connor, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Christopher Shoemaker, and virologist Dr. Byram Bridle deliver a critical […]
Canada’s cancelled frontline doctors are true medical heroes for speaking the truth about effective treatments for the COVID-19 virus, and LifeSiteNews was privileged to honor three of the doctors with awards at the LifeSiteNews 25th Anniversary Gala in Markham, Ontario. Medical heroes Dr. Mary O’Connor, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and virologist Dr. Byram Bridle each received Medical Heroism Awards from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac. Each of these freedom fighters shared stories about their cancellation and how they continue to fight for medical freedom and transparency in the scientific community. Watch now to hear the truth from these medical heroes that the […]
Leftists are freezing conservative bank accounts! Freedom fighters and their families face a new threat from the globalist Deep State: the seizure and freezing of bank accounts. Called ‘de-banking,’ this novel Deep State tactic to silence political opposition — suddenly and without warning — now threatens all who work for freedom and the Culture of Life. Globalist elites are working to “financially terrorize” the world with this de-banking strategy and establish the New World Order — making the world bow to their power. LifeSiteNews journalists Frank Wright and Andreas Wailzer join Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen for a full de-banking analysis — […]
Freedom fighters and their families face a new threat from the globalist Deep State: the seizure and freezing of bank accounts. Called ‘de-banking,’ this novel Deep State tactic to silence political opposition — suddenly and without warning — now threatens all who work for freedom and the Culture of Life. Globalist elites are working to “financially terrorize” the world with this de-banking strategy and establish the New World Order — making the world bow to their power. LifeSiteNews journalists Frank Wright and Andreas Wailzer join Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen for a full de-banking analysis — and what de-banking means for the […]
Artur Pawlowski’s son Nathaniel Pawlowski and fellow Christian pro-family activist Deklan Friesen are on the frontlines of the culture war in the West’s most dictatorial nation on earth: Justin Trudeau’s Canada. Canadian police in Calgary are doing the bidding of the LGBT agenda, bowing to LGBT pressure by protecting and glorifying sexual deviancy. Nathaniel Pawlowski and his team of freedom fighters have had enough and are pushing back with a brave Christian witness to God’s plan for marriage, chastity, and the Culture of Life. As Canada censors religious liberty and silences freedom of speech — replacing Western values with the […]