'Catholic parents will be scandalized when they find out that their children are being subjected to ideological propaganda that runs counter to Catholic teaching,' said Tanya Granic Allen.
Much of gay activism reveals its shallowness and dishonesty, as it hypes false statistics and cries 'homophobia' anytime anyone calls them out for their own factophobia.
The homosexualist lobby, one of the most powerful at the European Union and Council of Europe, has been busy over the last month, particularly with preparations for opposing Russia’s “gay propaganda ban” in the lead up to the Sochi Winter Olympics.
“Why ignore the main reasons kids are actually bullied, unless you’re not truly interested in bullying? How will this code help the “fat” kids who get picked on?" It's about the gay agenda.
Last year the Russian government initiated a process at the Human Rights Council in Geneva that was supposed to lead to a resolution touting traditional values, but found forces at UN hostile to traditional values is large and aggressive.
"In this politically-correct insane environment, citing data doesn't seem to be compelling enough, because there's a lot of hatred," Dr. Keith Ablow stated.
CBS journalist exposed the stark truth about homosexuality, speaking openly of well-established facts that have since been consigned to the memory hole of political correctness.