Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter dies at age 100 The 39th president was a devoted Democrat and Baptist, Roe v. Wade and LGBT 'marriage' supporter, and Nobel Peace Prize winner. News Doug Mainwaring • Dec 29, 2024
Henry Kissinger engineered the Deep State’s globalist war on people It was Henry Kissinger who oversaw an infamous memo that turned population control into a weapon in the Cold War. Both his tactics and rationalization for the war on population are still in use today. Opinion Steven Mosher • Dec 4, 2023Dec 4, 2023
It’s happened before: Gov’t launched dangerous mass immunization program during 1976 swine flu ‘pandemic’ Forty-five years ago, an unsuspecting American public was snookered into taking a rushed-through injection while big government covered up the risks. Blogs Ashley Sadler • Sep 10, 2021Apr 22, 2024