Progressives don’t seem to understand that most people simply trying to make a living aren’t interested in being hectored about their insufficiently up-to-date views on however many genders the Canadian establishment currently believes in.
The father stated that his daughter’s ‘capacity to consent to [assisted suicide] is impacted by mental illness’ and that she had likely been ‘unduly influenced by a third party.’
While assisted suicide is not the sole cause for declining life expectancy in Canada, it is clear that expanding access to the practice is having a significant impact on the health of the nation.
The CBC and other outlets are fearmongering and demonizing anyone who defends parental rights and refuses to accept that sex-change 'treatments' are good for a child.
Interaction between former Canadian Liberal MP Han Dong and a Chinese diplomat did not affect the election in 2021, the prime minister's office determined.
The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service official said he felt he had to speak out for the good of the country after government leaders repeatedly ignored his warnings.
'They have business people arranging for busses and paying stipends, something like $20 or $50 a day to pass in people either to a nomination meeting or to do counter-protesting.'
According to the new report, internal government documents show that the nation's top security agency had 'asserted that Chinese officials in Toronto had disbursed money into a covert network tasked to interfere in Canada’s 2019 election.'