Articles tagged Holy Spirit

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Heroic Faith: A Sudanese Bishop’s Witness and Africa’s Spiritual Awakening

AMAZING story of a Sudanese bishop whose unwavering faith in the face of persecution serves as a powerful testament to God’s grace. Amid challenges, Africa is experiencing a spiritual revival, ignited by the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged by the bishop’s heroic witness and the faith-filled fire spreading across the continent. Watch the full show here: U.S. residents! Create a will with LifeSiteNews:  **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: +++ SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    **** Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store: […]
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NOW is the time to prepare for the coming chastisement: Here’s what you should do

Catholic veteran Robert Bartlett returns to discuss the spiritual warfare facing the Church and world and how to prepare for the chastisement ahead. Based on the “puzzle pieces” of prophecy he claims to have received, Bartlett believes the Church is currently undergoing her own Passion, thanks to the pervasive influence of Freemasonry, Satanism, communism, and their all-out war against the faith. Believers must be spiritually prepared to endure this Passion for as long as God wills it; on the other side, He will pour out His Holy Spirit on the faithful who persevered and trusted in Him. WATCH PART 1 […]
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Private revelations and belief in God. Finding answers when the stakes are high

Gene Zannetti, founder of Winning Mindset, and Fr. Francesco Giordano, director of Human Life International’s Rome Office, highlight the importance of private revelations in living one’s faith in a world that has lost its sense of God. Zannetti and Fr. Giordano contend that all private revelations should be approached with caution and in the light of long-established Catholic doctrines. How people discern alleged messages from God — whether fact or fiction — is an important part in the journey of faith. Watch now and discover when private messages are from God, as Zannetti and Fr. Giordano lay out the various […]