Pope Francis again washed and kissed the feet of women in the Holy Thursday liturgy, though this year is believed to be the first time that the 12 people in the ceremony were all women.
The glory of the Son of God was obscured, and, so to say, eclipsed, by the ignominies He endured during His Passion. He, the Light of the world, powerful in word and work, who, but a few days ago, was proclaimed king by the citizens of Jerusalem, is now robbed of all His honors.
There is no sinner, however great may be his crimes; there is no heretic, or infidel, who has not his share in this precious Blood, whose infinite merit is such that it could redeem a million worlds, more guilty even than our own.
But despite the sadness and despite the ache in our hearts that comes as we look upon Christ’s beaten and bloody body, we know the end of the story. We know that He triumphed over death, over sin, and over evil.