Articles tagged Inspirational story

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How a hermit priest helped save a woman from addiction during COVID lockdown

Catholic author and speaker Kevin Wells recounts the struggles he and his wife, Krista, faced during her battle with addiction and how Father Martin Flum, a diocesan priest who became a hermit, played a pivotal role in bringing healing to their lives during the height of the COVID pandemic. Through his raw and honest storytelling, Wells hopes to inspire others struggling with broken marriages or personal wounds, showing how God’s grace can work through the sacraments and the dedication of holy priests. For the full story, purchase Wells’ new book, The Hermit: The Priest Who Saved a Soul, a Marriage, […]
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St. Padre Pio | Divine Intervention launches a pro-life movement

Countless runners attempt the Pikes Peak Ascent every year — but the Divine Intervention of St. Padre Pio forever changed this behemoth climb for Retired Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pat Castle. In 2006 Dr. Pat Castle began the 13.3-mile trek in Pike’s Peak Ascent — a vertical climb of 7,815 feet — with the ambitious goal of finishing in under three hours. Praying for Divine Intervention to finish the race and accomplish his goal, God sent St. Padre Pio to Pike’s Peak Ascent to aid Dr. Pat Castle, bringing Castle across the finish line with just a minute to spare. St. […]