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Tragically, human beings, in our fallen state, often associate rebellion against law, rather than conformity to law, as the path to liberty. Men who fall into this error may then accuse the state and the Church, and ultimately God Himself, of limiting their freedom, rather than advancing it.
The moral law cannot in any way hinder human freedom. Rather, by following the law of reason we live in a way which is truly free, because it is truly in accordance with our nature.
What would have happened if more priests and bishops had refused cooperation (servile, non-virtuous, obedience) with the pernicious 'spirit of Vatican II' early on? Would it not have been much easier to 'nip these things in the bud?'
The pope or a bishop may be, by virtue of his office, a member of the magisterium, but his teaching, if it contradicts the received previous magisterial teaching, is not magisterial. Such false teaching simply fails to meet the necessary criteria.
The Catholic Faith belong to all times, to all places and to all generations of Catholic, starting with the Apostles and going through all the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and all the Saints we know.
Pope Francis is granting proponents of a ‘liberal project’ in the Church ‘great freedom to sow doubt and confusion among the faithful, all the while condemning those who resist this project as ‘reactionaries,’’ Fr. Gerald Murray writes.
El padre James Altman, el sacerdote detrás del video viral sobre cómo los Católicos no pueden ser demócratas, dijo que recibió un "agradecimiento incomprensible" de los laicos por su primer video.
Father James Altman, the priest behind the viral video about how Catholics can’t be Democrats, said he received ‘incomprehensible thanks’ from the laity for his first video.