What would have happened if more priests and bishops had refused cooperation (servile, non-virtuous, obedience) with the pernicious 'spirit of Vatican II' early on? Would it not have been much easier to 'nip these things in the bud?'
'The bonds which link together Jesus Christ and John the Baptist are so close, that the one cannot be known without the other; and if life eternal consists in knowing Jesus Christ, so also a part of our salvation consists in knowing Saint John.'
Consider that your silence takes away from the Glory of Heaven the souls entrusted to you by the Supreme Shepherd, to whom even the one who sits in Rome will one day answer.
In this month that we are told is dedicated to pride, the power of satan is overcome by Precious Blood beating in the Sacred Heart that was made incarnate by Our Lord condescending Himself into the flesh in an infinitely important act of humility.