‘Juno’ writer laments how life-affirming film inspired support for strong pro-life laws Diablo Cody calls herself 'as pro-choice as a person can possibly be.' News Calvin Freiburger • May 20, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Ellen Page, Jennifer Garner use film with pro-life themes to fundraise for Planned Parenthood abortion giant The makers of 'Juno' are hosting a live read of the movie’s script as a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. Opinion Katie Yoder • Mar 21, 2017Apr 23, 2024
3 movies with (accidental) pro-life messages It’s great that films like Bella, October Baby, and Doonby get made. But sometimes movies have pro-life scenes, or overall pro-life messages, without even meaning to. Oops! Opinion Kristen Walker Hatten • Dec 10, 2012Jun 18, 2021