How much longer do we have to put up with this obsessive homo-, trans- and ‘queer’ activism, which is constantly and ruthlessly thrust upon us everywhere and at every opportunity that presents itself?
Barbara Butch, the immodest lesbian at the center of the infamous Olympics opening ceremony, said she sought to depict ‘Olympic Jesus,’ according to screenshots from her Instagram account highlighted by the Post Millennial’s Thomas Stevenson.
Pope Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith, have made themselves allies of sexual revolutionaries while revealing themselves to be enemies of children.
LGBT activist groups praised the sentencing of the controversial Swiss polemicist as 'historic,' saying it sends a 'strong signal that homophobic hatred will not be tolerated in our society.'
The Code of Canon Law states that baptism 'should be delayed' if there's a 'founded hope' that the infant will not be brought up in the Catholic faith.