Articles tagged Maike Hickson

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Neo-conned! | The hidden agenda in the Middle East EXPOSED

In an interview with LifeSiteNews’ Maike Hickson, John Sharpe, editor of the two-volume series Neoconned!, takes a deep dive into the Iraq war to expose the unjust nature of the United States’ invasion. Sharpe, a Catholic and former Navy commander, makes clear the principles of what constitutes a just war, how these principles were violated in 2003 when America went into and occupied Iraq, and how these same principles are violated today by the neoconservatives directing U.S. foreign policy. Check out the book here: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google […]
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EXPLOSIVE: Cardinal Müller Reveals Senior Vatican Official Thinks NO Mass at All is Better than the Latin Mass

Cardinal Gerhard Müller has revealed that a senior representative of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship told him that 20,000 young Catholics participating in the historic Paris to Chartres pilgrimage was “by no means a cause for joy, because Holy Mass was celebrated according to the old Extraordinary Latin rite.” Müller says that some people in the Vatican “see the old rite of Holy Mass as a greater danger to the unity of the Church than the reinterpretation of the Creed, or even the absence of Holy Mass.” Müller revealed this saddening information during his homily at an ordination of […]
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Cardinal Müller: Vatican official prefers an empty church to one full of people who reject New Mass

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews reporter Maike Hickson, Cardinal Gerhard Müller revealed that a senior Vatican prelate recently told him he would prefer an empty church to a cathedral full of young people who reject New Mass. Müller revealed that when he shared his joy at having participated in the recent Paris to Chartres pilgrimage, during which 20,000 young pilgrims packed Chartres Cathedral to attend the Latin Mass, an official of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship responded that it was more important that young people respect the new rite. In a wide-ranging interview, Müller also shared advice for […]
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EXCLUSIVE: Colonel Macgregor shows how neocons have thrown the world into chaos – Part 2

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews reporter Maike Hickson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor delves into the complex history of U.S. military interventions worldwide and exposes their role in creating a “New World Order” through “perpetual revolution.” Macgregor explains how a whole system of lobbies within U.S. politics exists to ensure the neocon “forever war” policy continues to be advanced. Moreover, Macgregor insists that many leading politicians are under the secret control of the intelligence communities through a web of blackmail he describes as “Epstein Island on steroids.” Ultimately, Macgregor trusts Divine Providence to return America to sanity and Christian values and […]