‘Francis is playing the role of Judas by sacrificing the traditional truths that the Church received from Jesus,’ Father Jesusmary Missigbètò writes.
Em várias ocasiões, o Cardeal Bergoglio aconselhou os não-Católicos a não se converterem à Fé Católica, e disse a um amigo evangélico que 'precisamos de ter construtores de pontes.'
On a number of occasions, Cardinal Bergoglio advised non-Catholics not to convert to the Catholic faith, and told one evangelical friend that ‘we need to have bridge-builders.’
En varias ocasiones, el Cardenal Bergoglio ha aconsejado a los no Católicos que no se conviertan a la fe Católica y le dijo a un amigo evangélico que 'necesitamos constructores de puentes.'
'It is important to listen to others,' the Pope said, adding that he hoped for the same readiness to hear one another in the church by means of the synodal process.
The study making the claim, which Bishop Georg Bätzing supports, based its conclusions on 'recent theological and especially liturgical insights and the results of previous ecumenical dialog.'
'Whoever thought that the Church only came to her dogmatically binding teaching on the Sacraments because of the Protestant challenge, can learn here the truth.'