Language opening women to military draft axed from defense spending bill 'Women are not chess pieces in a political game,' said Rep. Vicky Hartzler. News Calvin Freiburger • Dec 7, 2021
Conservative Missouri senator leads effort to stop attempt to include women in military draft 'It is wrong to force our daughters, mothers, wives, and sisters to fight our wars,' Senator Josh Hawley said. News Matt Lamb • Nov 3, 2021
House passes bill to force young women to sign up for the draft The National Defense Authorization Act was passed by 181 Democrats and 135 Republicans on Thursday night. News Ashley Sadler • Sep 24, 2021
Senate Democrats move to force women to register for the draft A rewriting of current military draft laws would require Selective Service registration for “all Americans,” forcing men and women between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for the draft or face penalties including fines and imprisonment. News Ashley Sadler • Jul 22, 2021Jul 30, 2021
Women should be eligible for draft, military commission recommends A military panel recommends female eligibility for Selective Service, which potentially could put them on the front lines with men. News Calvin Freiburger • Mar 27, 2020Apr 22, 2024
If the government forces women to fight in combat, we should burn our draft cards in the street Women should not be forced to register for the draft. Here's why. Blogs Claire Chretien • Mar 8, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Federal judge says male-only military draft is unconstitutional According to the decision, the outdated argument that women are ineligible for combat should be considered 'gender-based discrimination.' News Martin M. Barillas • Feb 25, 2019Jun 18, 2021