The cardinal discussed his 'miraculous' recovery from COVID-19, the attacks launched against the Traditional Latin Mass, and the Pope’s letters of gratitude to pro-LGBT advocate Sister Jeannine Gramick of the controversial New Ways Ministry.
Jeannine Gramick, cofundadora do New Ways Ministry (Ministério Novos Caminhos), foi oficialmente silenciada pelo Vaticano em 1999, uma ordem que ela ignorou; em 2010 a Conferência Episcopal dos Estados Unidos declarou que o New Ways Ministry “não tem aprovação nem reconhecimento da Igreja Católica” para falar sobre a questão LGBT.
Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, was officially silenced by the Vatican in 1999, an order which she ignored; in 2010 the USCCB declared that New Ways Ministry “has no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church” to speak on the LGBT issue.
‘All you need to know about the state of the Church today under the Jesuit Regime is that Martin’s fellow Jesuit Francis sent him one of his longest handwritten letters ever congratulating him for this celebration of all that is evil and perverted in the world today, under the guise of “love” and under the most sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.’