Articles tagged political analysis

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Hunter Biden pardon, Israel ceasefire veto, Syria, and Synod implementation

On this episode of Faith and Reason, Jason Jones discusses his advocacy for those impacted by war and violence around the world, especially in Syria, through his Vulnerable People Project. The panel also reviews the latest news, including the Biden administration’s veto of a ceasefire in Israel, the controversial pardon of Hunter Biden, the war in Syria, and ongoing concerns about the Synod on Synodality and its debates over the role of women in liturgical life. U.S. residents! Create a will with LifeSiteNews:  **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: +++ SHOP ALL YOUR FUN […]
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Agenda 2030 – The real motivation of elites promoting mass migration

In a new interview, Finnish professor and public policy expert Mikko Paunio breaks down the implications of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda’s recent endorsement of mass ‘irregular migration,’ why the globalists are pushing this policy in the West, and what they hope to achieve.  READ MORE HERE: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: +++ SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media: […]
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Catholic priest promotes video claiming ‘God made Biden’

Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese recently promoted a video that claims President Joe Biden has been handpicked by God to serve in the United States’ top office. What is the real truth of this observation, and what does it mean about the deep-seated corruption among prominent Catholic clergy like Fr. Thomas Reese and others? Learn more about these stunning developments now by watching the full episode of Faith and Reason — uncensored and unfiltered — on the brand-new LSNTV App! Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP […]
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Donald Trump needs to convert to the Catholic faith: here’s why

With the Supreme Court ruling that former President Donald Trump cannot be taken off state ballots, he remains the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination. While his record on life, faith, family and freedom is a mixed bag, what he has achieved for the values championed by LifeSiteNews has been remarkable. President Trump still contends that he wants to take down the “deep state” and the globalist cabal seeking a permanent stranglehold on our world. But to do that effectively and truly win, he needs the grace of conversion to the Catholic faith. Join John-Henry Westen as he prays for […]