Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running against Joe Biden as the Democratic nomination for president, believes affirmative action is needed to 'undo the effects of racist policies.'
There may be some bad in certain candidates, but badness consists in doing bad things. Evil is different: it is the deliberate destruction of truth, virtue and holiness.
Trump has not thought through the issues involved with unplanned pregnancy and abortion decisions, and is lacking in some essential perspective and education on the topic.
'I have many, many friends who, women who understand Planned Parenthood, better than you and I will ever understand it. And they do some very good work, cervical cancer, lots of women’s issue, women’s health issues are taken care of.'
Trump stated that, if he were president, he would 'look at the individual things they [Planned Parenthood] do… I’m sure they do some things properly and good and that are good for women.'