Articles tagged Pro-family Movement

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America’s ‘abortion king’ became pro-Life | Terry Beatley champions his legacy

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, once known as America’s “abortion king,” energized millions of pro-life and pro-family activists from coast to coast when he totally abandoned abortion and embraced the culture of life — and now prayer warrior Terry Beatley champions his pro-life legacy. Beatley personally promised Dr. Nathanson to teach America about how he once deceived the country on abortion. Now she has joined ranks with pro-life activist Myah Abraham to carry Dr. Nathanson’s message across the nation. Together, as part of the Hosea Initiative, they work to heal a world broken by abortion, revealing the restoring power of authentic love […]
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CLIP: 1 Million March 4 Children REJECTS Canadian LGBT insanity | Kamel El-Cheikh

Kamel El-Cheikh, a prominent pro-family Muslim activist, leads the impactful 1 Million March 4 Children movement. This initiative staunchly opposes the harmful consequences of the LGBT agenda, especially concerning children. El-Cheikh underscores the paramount importance of shielding children’s innocence from the influence of gender ideology, a set of values advanced by Canada’s LGBT lobby. He also emphasizes the urgent necessity of reverting to traditional family values. In a remarkable display of unity and solidarity, individuals from both the Muslim and Christian communities have come together to champion these pro-family principles during the 1 Million March 4 Children. This collaborative effort […]
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The Church Has a Legacy We NEED to Protect

The Church Has a Legacy We NEED to Protect! Join legal expert Liz Yore, a former child rights advocate and regular guest host on LifeSite’s Faith & Reason, as she offers invaluable insights into the strategic decision-making processes of the pro-life and pro-family movement. Discover Yore’s analysis of the challenges posed by corrupt LGBT judges, district attorneys, Deep State firms, and the clandestine influences within the Church itself. Uncover the imperative of protecting the Church’s legacy and upholding its values in the face of adversity. Watch the full episode here: LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND […]