“It’s shocking that a man like Sharpe would be allowed to continue to practice medicine. He’s been a one-man public health disaster,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.
As many abortionists are found to be over the course of time, abortionist Reginald Sharpe is a menace to society. The rap sheet against Sharpe is long. Sharpe’s medical license was placed on probation in 1998 for illegally administrating drugs and was suspended in 2005 after he botched an illegal 27-week abortion. Sharpe was busted in 2008 for illegally dumping patient records, aborted babies, medical waste, and syringes. In 2010Medicaid revoked Sharpe’s certification for unspecified “fraud and abuse, false billing, or kickbacks.” In addition, Sharpe has been sued at least five times: March 2006: Sharpe/Northland Family Planning abortion clinic paid a $50,000 settlement for failure to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, which led to the loss […]
In a document obtained by LifeSiteNews, she says the abortionist told her he could “understand how” a man could strangle and dismember his wife, “and he could see himself doing that to me.”