Articles tagged Sacrifice

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Child of sexual assault shares why he’s thankful that his mother chose life

Pro-life activist Steventhen Holland shares the moving story of how his mother chose life rather than abortion after surviving sexual assault by multiple men. Steventhen’s mother resisted hospital pressure to have an abortion because she valued the life in her womb — even choosing poverty, danger, and homelessness as a result. Steventhen’s moving story about his birth, adoption, and reunion with his biological mother after 27 years is a pro-life story that is changing countless hearts and minds to reject abortion and choose life. The culture of life is filled with shining examples of faith, heroism, and sacrifice, and Steventhen’s […]
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Dressing for Summer as a Practicing Christian

Dressing for Summer as a Practicing Christian is one of the most important things someone can do. It can shape your relationships, strengthen your faith, and lead you toward the path of eternal salvation. Father Chris Alar, MIC, sheds light on the keys to avoiding hell while striving for eternal union with God in heaven through the often-overlooked virtue of chastity. Chastity and modesty have long been revered as essential virtues for Christians and conservatives alike. However, in the wake of the sexual revolution, the radical LGBT agenda, and the pervasive influence of a godless culture, the virtue of chastity […]