Articles tagged sanctification

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Bishop Strickland delivers passionate speech to students: ‘The Rosary is a way of life’

In a speech given at St. John Bosco Academy’s third annual rosary rally in Georgia, Bishop Strickland took the time to give a passionate and detailed explanation of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, how a deeper understanding of Christ’s Passion can bolster our appreciation of the Rosary, and how reflection upon Our Lord’s life through these Mysteries weave together to strengthen and sanctify us. Tune in as Bishop Strickland goes through each stage of Christ’s life, and makes clear the teaching power and spiritual necessity of the beloved devotional that is the Holy Rosary. Download the all-new LSNTV App […]
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I SACRIFICED my 3 children for my AMBITION

Can the need for ambition become an overbearing weight? The push for assisted suicide in Canada in the name of compassion has made significant gains in recent years, but the witness of pro-life Catholic Kirsten MacDonald, who was diagnosed with debilitating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), demonstrates that every life is worth living. Despite coping with the lack of motor skills caused by ALS, McDonald lives a life of vibrant faith and joy, offering her personal sufferings to Christ as a means of sanctification for herself and the world. Hear the entire heartfelt story […]
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A heartbreaking witness for life – NO WAY to assisted suicide | ALS patient Kirsten MacDonald

The push for assisted suicide in Canada in the name of compassion has made significant gains in recent years, but the witness of pro-life Catholic Kirsten MacDonald, who was diagnosed with debilitating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), demonstrates that every life is worth living. Despite coping with the lack of motor skills caused by ALS, McDonald lives a life of vibrant faith and joy, offering her personal sufferings to Christ as a means of sanctification for herself and the world. Join John-Henry Westen in this special episode of the John-Henry Westen Show as he […]