Elon Musk warns of ‘serious danger with the global banking system’ in Tucker Carlson interview ‘This is a dire situation,’ said Musk, who blamed soaring inflation on COVID stimulus checks. News Ashley Sadler • Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Feds secretly contacted Planned Parenthood about improper COVID loans, docs reveal 'The Small Business Administration ought to disclose how Planned Parenthood affiliates gamed the system ... and then refer those affiliates to the Department of Justice for prosecution,' Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton argued. News Calvin Freiburger • Feb 8, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Leftist activists dump body bags, Anti-Trump messages on Republican Senators’ doorsteps Video of the event filmed by the groups shows body bags being dragged out of a U-haul truck and dumped in front of the Senators’ houses. News Pete Baklinski • Dec 2, 2020Jun 18, 2021
Congress passes $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill, blocks funding for Planned Parenthood The final version of the bill is reported to contain language that prevents Planned Parenthood from accessing the bill's bailout money. News Calvin Freiburger • Mar 27, 2020Jun 18, 2021