Radical Islamic terror group takes credit for fatal shooting during Catholic Mass in Istanbul Two masked men opened fire during the consecration, killing a 52-year-old man and sparking terror inside the church. News Ashley Sadler • Jan 29, 2024Jan 30, 2024
Pope Francis’ confidant: Sunday Mass obligation isn’t ‘indispensable,’ it ‘could fall’ Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández said that 'social distancing and quarantine' will require Catholics to 'reinvent' themselves Blogs Maike Hickson • Apr 28, 2020Jul 30, 2021
German cardinal criticizes feminist women’s strike for co-opting Mary’s name Cardinal Woelki defended the Blessed Virgin as the "defeater of all heresies." Blogs Maike Hickson • May 21, 2019Jun 18, 2021
German bishops back women refusing to go to Sunday Mass to protest abuse crisis The women’s strike, run by feminists, calls on women to refuse to enter Catholic churches for one week. Blogs Maike Hickson • May 16, 2019Jun 18, 2021
‘Service station’ liturgy sucks the life out of Church: Irish theologian Father Vincent Twomey says the 'source and summit of the Christian life has been reduced to an obligation to be satisfied with the least pain for either priest or people.' News Lisa Bourne • May 2, 2017Jun 18, 2021