With the recent attack on Israel, American war hawks are squawking again despite these warnings. Meanwhile, cartels have been smuggling terrorists into the US for over a decade.
Throughout his trip to the war-torn region, the President of the United States noticeably spoke slowly, sometimes pronouncing words unclearly, with conspicuous pauses throughout.
On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explores the insidious use of Marxist language by leftist academics in response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This is an existential moment, not only for Israel and the Palestinians, but for humanity itself. We are moving dangerously close to a future where war crimes and terrorism consume all of our lives.
How does this terrible Israel-Palestine conflict relate to Catholic prophecy? To discuss this and other questions, lay theologian Xavier Ayral returned to The John-Henry Westen Show this week.
'We've crossed the Rubicon,' a senior intelligence official told Newsweek via email. 'Trump's army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically.'
Islamist fundamentalists have been conducting brutal attacks on Christians in the region since 2017, resulting in nearly 5,000 dead and one million displaced refugees.
Abdelmasih Hanoun, who knifed four toddlers and injured two pensioners in a playground in France last week, is not a Christian but a Muslim, says Elish Yako.