It is related of St. Dionysius that, on the day Christ our Lord was crucified, he, though still a pagan, on perceiving the unnatural eclipse of the sun, cried out: 'Either the God of nature is suffering, or the world is coming to an end.'
The Rosary is an easy and ready summary of the liturgy, containing the essentials of that life of prayer, faith, and Christian virtue which the public celebration of the Divine Office formerly kept up among the nations.
St. Placid surpassed everyone in prudence, gravity, kindness, and unruffled tranquility of mind. His holy example and the wonders he wrought caused the Christian faith to spread rapidly.
As St. Francis passed along, the flocks would welcome him; the fishes would follow his boat in the water; the birds would gather round him and joyfully obey him. And why? Francis drew all things to himself because all things drew him to God.
St. Remigius baptized King Clovis in 496 AD, marking the Frankish kingdom’s conversion to Christianity and establishing a lasting legacy that saw France emerge as a defender of the Catholic Church in Europe.