Articles tagged traditional family

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The breakdown of the family | Bishop Strickland

Bishop Joseph Strickland warns that the collapse of the family is at the root of society’s moral and spiritual decline. He discusses the urgent need to restore God’s plan for family life, highlighting how dishonoring parents, rejecting authority, and embracing moral relativism have led to chaos. Strickland calls for a renewed commitment to faith, virtue, and the sacred duty of raising children in truth. Can rebuilding strong families be the key to restoring order in the Church and society? U.S. residents! Create a will with LifeSiteNews:  **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: +++ SHOP […]
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African bishops united on supporting traditional families

The woke LGBT agenda continues expanding to Africa. Archbishop Philip Arnold Subira Anyolo of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nairobi delivered a critical message in an exclusive sit-down interview with LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen, describing how God’s plan for society – the traditional family – must be protected and supported by the Catholic Church. Woke activists now seek to transform the Catholic Church’s teaching on the life and family values that have shaped civilization for centuries, pressuring the Catholic Church and nations with monetary power—yet Africa’s bishops remain united in their support of the Church’s perennial teachings and the families that live […]
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Our #1 Priority in 2024 is DEFENDING THE FAMILY | Dr. Taylor Marshall

Why isn’t our number one priority for 2024 defending the family?   As one of America’s most prominent Catholic speakers, authors, and podcasters — Dr. Taylor Marshall just announced his unprecedented 2024 campaign for the President of the United States. The Catholic vote is key to Marshall’s campaign and his goal to unify America under God.   Watch the entire show here:   LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH! HELP US FIGHT THE CENSORSHIP OF BIG TECH: […]
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African Children KILLED Refusing Exploitation from the King

African Children are being killed when refusing exploration from the king. Why is this happening and why isn’t the Vatican saying anything about it? Faithful African bishops like Archbishop of Kampala, Paul Ssemogerere, are the last Catholic warriors standing against the worldwide push for pro-LGBT sodomy laws. As Africa upholds traditional family values and traditional marriage, pro-sodomy activists in the Vatican are pushing even harder to impose the progressive LGBT agenda on these communities. Watch the full show here: FAITH-BASED FINANCIAL INVESTING IS HERE! CHECK IT OUT! FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! SHOP ALL YOUR […]