The authors of a study published October 23 in JAMA Pediatrics concluded that vaccinated and unvaccinated children who got COVID-19 were equally contagious. That’s how the media reported on the study, but the data showed that vaccinated kids shed the virus for up to 3 times longer than unvaccinated children.
Data shows 48,019 Americans received some form of mutilating procedures between 2016 and 2019, with 25,099 (52.3%) ages 19-30, 10,476 (21.8%) ages 31-40, and 3,678 (7.7%) ages 12-18.
The abortion industry has powerful allies in Hollywood, including at the supposed family-friendly Disney, and those allies are prepared to spend whatever it takes to push their pro-abortion propaganda.
Rejecting Catholic teaching on both abortion and religious freedom, Sheila Briggs claimed that murdering a child in the womb can be a legitimate exercise of ‘liberty.’