WARNINGS for Our Time | Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Prophecy
There are striking parallels between Anne Catherine Emmerich’s prophecies and the challenges facing the Catholic Church today. Her visions, along with other warnings from saints and mystics, speak of a time of crisis marked by betrayal from within, schism, apostasy, and diabolical infiltration. These prophetic insights offer both a sobering reflection on the state of the Church and a call to prayer, vigilance, and faith. Watch the full show here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/ancient-catholic-prophecies-warn-of-a-pope-who-will-gravely-harm-the-church/ U.S. residents! Create a will with LifeSiteNews: https://www.mylegacywill.com/lifesitenews **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews +++ SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH! https://shop.lifesitenews.com/ […]