Court absolves French doctor who withheld Vincent Lambert’s food, water until he died It was ruled that the physician followed the legal norms in denying the patient food and water, but an appeal of the decision is expected. News Martin M. Barillas • Jan 29, 2020Jun 18, 2021
Vatican confirms Pope Francis called Vincent Lambert’s mom with words of support as son lay dying The victim's mom, Viviane, had told LifeSite earlier that the Pope reached out to her. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jul 19, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Pope Francis phoned Vincent Lambert’s mom with ‘touching’ message as son lay dying It was 'touching,' 'paternal,' and 'very personal,' she said. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jul 18, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Vincent Lambert’s mom horrified to watch French hospital murder her son 'He was looking at us, we could see he is suffering,' said Viviane Lambert. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jul 4, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Dehydration and starvation of France’s Vincent Lambert begins With all legal challenges apparently exhausted, France's Terri Schiavo could die within a week, a doctor says. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jul 2, 2019Jun 18, 2021
France’s top court decides brain-damaged Vincent Lambert must die The latest news in a long-running legal battle is that food and hydration can be stopped immediately. Blogs Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jun 28, 2019Jun 18, 2021
France’s top court to decide Friday if brain-damaged Vincent Lambert lives or dies The country's highest judicial court will rule on whether to starve the man to death. Blogs Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jun 25, 2019Jun 18, 2021