Jury court acquits Belgium doctors of murdering mentally ill young woman who requested death The 'mercy killing' was determined to be justified despite Tine Nys' good physical health and complaints from her sisters. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • Jan 31, 2020Jun 18, 2021
Religious care home refuses euthanasia in Belgium, causing popular uproar The case has given rise to fierce criticism of faith-based institutions. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • May 13, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Belgium’s euthanasia doctor takes a tour of Auschwitz The group of euthanasia tourists say that the evils of Auschwitz are actually the opposite of their goal, which they claim is to "kill out of humility and love." News Dustin Siggins • Dec 1, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Belgium’s Dr Death raising money to train doctors. Distelmans, who operates the Leif euthanasia clinic, is known for his involvement in controversial euthanasia deaths. Pulse Alex Schadenberg • Aug 15, 2014Jul 30, 2021
Belgian euthanasia doctor plans ‘inspiring’ tour of Auschwitz Dr. Wim Distelmans famously killed a transsexual man on TV and last year killed deaf twins who were going blind. Pulse Dustin Siggins • Jul 14, 2014Jul 30, 2021