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WATCH: Jim Hale EXPOSES Biden Admin with ‘Feds for Medical Freedom’ President!

Biden administration was exposed for its tyrannical mandates against medical freedom. LifeSite Correspondent Jim Hale and Marcus Thornton, President of ‘Feds for Medical Freedom,’ a coalition of professionals dedicated to ending the U.S. government’s draconian vaccine mandates, are sounding the alarm that the Biden Administration and its Deep State apparatus still seek the authority to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for all federal workers. The basic medical freedoms many Americans take for granted are now, once again, under assault by the Biden Administration. Hear the latest efforts by the federal government to impose COVID-19 back on the populace and how ‘Feds for […]
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De-banked | The globalist Deep State’s new way to silence opposition

Freedom fighters and their families face a new threat from the globalist Deep State: the seizure and freezing of bank accounts. Called ‘de-banking,’ this novel Deep State tactic to silence political opposition — suddenly and without warning — now threatens all who work for freedom and the Culture of Life. Globalist elites are working to “financially terrorize” the world with this de-banking strategy and establish the New World Order — making the world bow to their power. LifeSiteNews journalists Frank Wright and Andreas Wailzer join Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen for a full de-banking analysis — and what de-banking means for the […]