
Wednesday July 8, 1998


AUSTIN, Texas, July 8 (LSN) – In a recent press release by Texas Right to Life of Southeast Texas, the charity organization “March of Dimes” (MOD) is highlighted as pro-abortion and thus not worthy of support from pro-lifers. The release notes the findings of WELS Lutherans for Life who, while acknowledging that MOD does engage in good activities, said that their “investigation” led them to ask pro-lifers to boycott the MOD.

The pro-life group found that the MOD established genetic testing centers across the country and popularized the amniocentesis test to be performed in the mid-trimester of pregnancy. “It became a search- and-destroy mission for children found to have some disability,” said Rev. Robert Fleischmann, the Lutheran group’s national director. Fleischmann also points out that MOD is supportive of fetal tissue research.

For a copy of the brochure “March of Dimes Boycott,” call 1-800-729-9535 Or request it by email at: [email protected]

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