
By Michael Baggot

BROOKLYN, NY, May 8, 2008 ( – Outspoken “gay rights” activist Wayne Besen posted a provocative message on his blog yesterday which linked an alleged climate of discrimination produced by Ex-Gay organizations with the rape of lesbians in South Africa performed under the pretext of changing their sexual orientation.

“The notion that GLBT people must be ‘changed’ no matter what the psychological or physical toll is in step with the West’s ‘ex-gay’ movement. The very existence of these organizations creates a sour climate where GLBT lives are demeaned and homosexual relationships are viewed as inferior,” wrote Besen in his “‘Corrective Rape’ of Lesbians In South African Schools Shows Sickness of ‘Ex-Gay’ Movement” post.

Besen begins his post with a reference to a recent Human Rights Commission report that notes an increased number of male students raping lesbian students in an effort to make them heterosexual.

“I hope people will condemn this linking of sexual violence with people who refrain from homosexual behavior due to conscience of religious belief,” responded Grove City Psychology professor Warren Throckmorton on his own blog.

“I call on people of good will to challenge this kind of shrill, polarizing rhetoric.”

Besen admits that “these extreme cases do not represent the so-called ‘ex-gay’ movement in general. Certainly, Exodus and even NARTH, I believe, would oppose such torture.”

Nonetheless, following criticisms of his connection, Besen reaffirmed his contention that the ex-gay movement’s work is partially responsible for the horrors of rape in South Africa.

“The indirect actions and violent words by America’s ex-gay organizations give license to those who wish to justify assaults and intimidation against homosexuals,” wrote Besen following responses to his original post.

Besen singled out the Christian ex-gay organization Exodus in his original post.

“Exodus likes to disingenuously claim it loves gay people. Yet, Exodus has never met an anti-gay law it has not campaigned for (including sodomy laws) and has done everything possible to empower bullies in public schools.”

Yesterday, in a related post “Does Exodus Influence Attitudes in Africa,” Besen argued that an advertisement from the ex-gay Exodus organization contributes to violence against individuals with homosexual inclinations.

After asking the viewer if he had considered whether homosexuality is part of “God’s design for you,” the Exodus ad affirms “God can still repair your life.” The ad concludes, “He still loves you, change is possible. Come for help!!!”

“It isn’t a leap to say that Africans who are portrayed as broken and in need of ‘repair’ might have an increased likelihood of being victims of hate crimes. After all, once people are dehumanized – it makes it easier to attack them,” Besen responded to the ad.

“Clearly, this ad by an Exodus Global Alliance affiliate are demeaning and make the lives of gay people seem worth less than those who are not in need of ‘repair.’”

Exodus International’s official policy condemns violence against individuals with same-sex attractions.

“Exodus International affirms that gay-identified individuals and those who struggle with same-sex attraction are persons for whom Jesus Christ died and loves equally. Therefore, we strongly oppose bullying, name calling and acts of aggression against any individual or group of individuals for any reason.”

“These actions have no place in our society and we must, instead, affirm behavior that validates the personal worth and dignity God bestows upon every human being.”

Read Besen’s post:

Read Throckmorton’s response:

Learn more about Exodus International: