
Dear readers,

Please note that as of yesterday began experimenting with increasing our ad revenue by delivering ads on our site using Google’s ad network, Adsense.

While Google allows us to have a high level of control over which ads we display, some ads that we wouldn’t normally allow on our site may slip through from time to time.

If you do see any such potentially offensive ads, please immediately e-mail [email protected], and let us know which ad it was, and the URL where the ad leads. If possible, include a screenshot of the ad. We will promptly blacklist any such ads from showing again on our site.

If we find that too many such ads are making it through, we will reevaluate our use of Google Adsense. As always, the integrity of our mission is paramount, and we don’t want to expose any of our readers to any ads that would violate our principles.

Thank you for your help in this matter!


John Jalsevac
Managing Editor