
Tuesday October 31, 2000

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TORONTO, Oct 31 ( – On Wednesday October 25 former pro-abortion activist Merle Terlesky offered an abortion clinic worker outside the Cabbage Town Women’s Clinic a pamphlet for the upcoming Canada Pro-Life 2000 conference. When the worker, known as Gloria, did not take the pamphlet, Terlesky placed it on the ground at her feet. He told LifeSite that she then attempted to kick him in the head, but he blocked the kick with his hand resulting in a sprained thumb. Charges have been laid with Constable Stelles of Toronto’s 52 Division.

When telephoned by the police about the assault, abortuary staff laughed and denied that a worker matching the description given by Terlesky was employed at the abortion mill. However, confirming evidence was shown to police and an investigation and charges are pending.


NEW YORK, Oct 31 ( – All over the US, Cardinals and Bishops have been exhorting the faithful to participate in the upcoming elections and reminding them that the first and most important issue to consider when selecting a candidate is their stand on abortion. The following quotes are from recent statements by the Bishops on the election:

Edward M. Egan Archbishop of New York, October 29, 2000
“In two weeks all of us will have an opportunity to choose leaders for our nation, our state and our local communities who share our commitment to fundamental rights for the unborn, those advanced in age, the sick and the needy. As you cast your ballot, I prayerfully urge you to take a stand worthy of the Community of Faith of which you are a member.”

Cardinal James A. Hickey, Archbishop of Washington, Catholic Standard newspaper, October 26, 2000
(Many issues) “require careful consideration on the part of all voters. But there is one issue that rises above the others. When you vote on November 7, I hope and pray that you will not forget the most disenfranchised citizens in this land – the unborn. Truly they have no voice but ours.”…

Bishop William Murphy, Archdiocese of Boston, Pilot Column
“The four areas of public issues that the bishops propose for our reflection in this election year are human life, family life, social justice and solidarity. Of these four areas the most fundamental and the most important is human life. Defense of human life is the only foundation on which all else must be built, or else, all else is eventually going to collapse. … In light of this constant and solemn teaching, Catholics have an equally solemn responsibility to examine the candidates on the basis of their support for human life within the womb.”….

For related articles from LifeSite see:


VATICAN CITY, Oct 31 ( – A document released today by the Pontifical Academy for Life describes in detail the method of operation of the morning-after pill and concludes that “it is clear that in fact the morning-after pill is nothing other than an abortion procured by chemical means.” The document encourages health care workers to practice “conscientious objection” against the “aggression” aimed at the “human embryo.”

The Pontifical Academy slammed the misleading labeling of the abortifacient drugs as “emergency contraception.” The letter notes that “it is never lawful to arbitrarily decide that the human individual has greater or lesser value (with consequent fluctuation on the duty to protect it) depending on its developmental stage.”

The document is available (in Italian) at:…


Latimer Showed Jesus’ Mercy by Killing His Disabled Daughter

EDMONTON, Oct 31 ( – A government-funded production at the Provincial Museum of Alberta on “Anno Domini: Jesus Through the Centuries” began October 7 and runs till January 2, 2001. A report in the Edmonton Sun and distributed by Pro-Life E-News reveals that a portion of the exhibit features a video on the Beatitudes from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. When the video deals with “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy,”it presents convicted killer Robert Latimer. Groups representing the disabled were disgusted that Latimer who killed his 12-year-old disabled daughter Tracy, by pumping exhaust fumes into the window of a car he placed her in, was given as an example of “mercy”.

Despite two requests, the museum is refusing to cut that portion of the video. The museum assistant director of exhibitions, Tim Willis, denied charges of trying to stir up controversy to attract attention. He says the museum “took great care about the content” and that it is “getting a lot of bookings from church groups.”

Focus on the Family writer Frank Stirk suggests urging the Provincial Museum of Alberta to delete any suggestion that Robert Latimer exemplifies the Christian understanding of “mercy.”

Mr. Tim Willis, Assistant Director of Exhibits,
The Provincial Museum of Alberta,
12845-102nd Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5N 0M6
Phone: (780) 453-9100 Fax: (780) 454-6629.
Alberta readers should copy their letters to their local MLA.


The Federalist Digest has given its monthly “Cultural Devolution” Award to the Gleitsman Foundation, which has bestowed a $100,000 “citizen activist” award on convicted murderer and euthanasia activist Jack Kevorkian.

The BBC reports today that pro-life groups are to launch a court case in an attempt to stop the operation to separate Siamese twins Jodie and Mary from going ahead.…

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