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(LifeSiteNews) — A group of faithful Catholics gathered to pray the Rosary outside the Jesuit-run parish where President Joe Biden attends Mass while an LGBT “Rainbow Mass” was conducted inside.

About 40 Catholics stood across the street from historic Holy Trinity Church in the tony Georgetown neighborhood, just a block away from the entrance to Georgetown University in the nation’s capital.

“As our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified in public, so too should our reparation for sins against him be made in public,” explained Preston Noell of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), who led the dignified sidewalk prayer rally.

“If we don’t oppose these things with prayerful Rosary rallies like we’re doing today, they will become legion and they will become normalized,” Noell said. “We can’t allow that to happen.”

“The healthy portion of society, especially among Catholics, needs to react against this assault being waged on Christian civilization by the promoters of homosexuality,” he added.

“This is a blasphemous event,” said Lori Hall, who traveled from Virginia to attend the gathering. “Our Mass is being desecrated in this way.”

Janet Pin, also of Virginia, agreed. “What they’re doing in this church is so offensive,” she said. “It’s so blasphemous to what a holy Mass is all about.”

“I came today because I wanted to offer reparation to our Lord during the month of the Sacred Heart,” said Rebecca Oas, director of research for C-Fam, the Center for Family and Human Rights.

“I think it’s important that we have a lot of lay participation, especially when our shepherds sometimes aren’t as willing to stand up,” Oas added.

Oas’ remarks called attention to the complete absence of Catholic clergy among those praying. This was purely a grassroots Catholic event.

While U.S. prelates, including the archbishop of Washington, D.C., Cardinal Wilton Gregory, remained silent about the bizarre nature of the Jesuit Rainbow Mass, and no diocesan priest joined the rally, Sister Deidre Byrne, known to many as “Sister DeDe,” came to offer her support.

“Pride sends people to hell,” Sister DeDe said. “We just want to say that we love people – we love who God loves – but we have to love the sinner, not the sin.”

“We’re here to pray in reparation [during] this Sacred Heart month to ask our Lord… to wake up people who might think it’s ok to do this,” the well-known religious figure said.

As a former gay man, I stood before the church as the Pride Mass began and prayed a prayer I pray every day. I asked Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel to help our weak, sickly Church to turn the tide, transforming those of us who experience same-sex attraction into warriors on behalf of the Gospel.

I believe with all my heart that not only is this God’s will, I believe it will happen:

Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Raphael, and Saint Gabriel, I implore you:

Amass a powerful army of the Guardian Angels who watch over each one of us same-sex attracted men.

Guardian Angels, guide and protect us. Awaken our hearts and minds, open our eyes and ears so that the Truth of the Gospel might become a bright beacon of light, drawing each of us out of the world and to Christ, so that we might reject with permanent, indelible, indestructible resolve the lies of the father of lies.  Prevent us from being living mockeries of Christ and His Bride.

St. Gabriel, Announce the mystery of the Incarnation to every same-sex attracted man, so that we might become warriors for Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, who has triumphed by His Blood.

St. Raphael, Cast out the demons who afflict, pester, and excite us; heal our blind, wounded souls; and direct our souls’ aimless, pointless wandering toward the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb and His Bride.

St. Michael, Summon the entire heavenly court to engage their forces in this fierce battle against the powers of hell. Enlist us to be warriors like you with courageous hearts, who stand against darkness and evil; train us to face and demolish the strongholds of the enemy in our hearts and minds and to champion only that which is Divine.

In turn, may our lives serve as a bright beacon of light to others, bringing minds captive to Christ, leading wills to the glorious Liberty of the sons of God, and invigorating human hearts with the Love that leaves all others cold.

May there be a great awakening led by these men.


Full text of my remarks and prayer for same-sex attracted men:

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, the Polish priest murdered in 1984 because he encouraged peaceful resistance to communism, said, “God instilled in man a desire for truth. This is why man thirsts for the truth and despises falsehood… To live in truth is the basic minimum of human dignity even if the price to defend the truth could be costly. You need to always remain faithful to the truth. Truth can never be betrayed.”

Let’s pray:

Blessed Jerzy, you helped an entire nation escape communism, and triggered a cascade of freedom across a continent. In our day, may there be a new cascade of freedom. Pray for us, that we might live in and defend truth and unmask lies, no matter what the cost that we too might set men free from bondage. And may we do this in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the beginning of this month, we witnessed the virtual takeover of every institution in our nation. Every branch of the military, every department and agency of the U.S. government, every professional sports league and team, every corporation, and our public schools… All pledged allegiance to the LGBT Rainbow flag.

Then just a few days ago at a White House PRIDE event, a gigantic rainbow flag was given prominence – front and center – while American flags flanked it. They were made subsidiary to it.

It was a horrible display. The rainbow flag displaced the American flag. The message was clear: a hostile foreign force has occupied our nation.

Our president allowed this to happen. And here we stand outside our Catholic president’s chosen parish.

It’s as if a new government has taken control. This is all about regime change, about whose flag we are now forced to salute.

The nation has been overrun if not conquered by the LGBT political machine.

No guns have been fired, no bombs dropped, and no biological warfare has been unleashed upon us, yet many sectors of the nation have surrendered to the LGBT political apparatus with almost no pushback.

Here’s the thing: The same thing is happening in our Church.

Here’s a graphic example:

Earlier this month, the Jesuit publication “OutReach” – published by the same religious organization that runs Holy Trinity Parish – promoted a new LGBT play and featured a picture of the empty cross on Calvary, but instead of a white burial cloth draped over the arms of the cross to signify the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, a rainbow-colored cloth took its place. They traded the symbol of PRIDE for a symbol of Christ’s victory over death, His Resurrection. They traded – expunged, really – the truth about the pivotal point in all human history in order to promote a lie.

Worse, I.N.R.I, which the Roman soldiers nailed over Christ’s head as he suffered and died on the cross, stands for “Jesus Christ King of the Jews,” was replaced with the initials, “LGBTQ.” The greatest title known to humankind was discarded, supplanted, ousted and by a new religion: Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender+Queer.

Do you understand? In the same way that the red-white-and blue has been overthrown and replaced with the rainbow flag, attempts are being made to excise and expunge the heart of the Gospel and replace it with lies about how God made humanity, while mocking Christ’s death on the Cross. It delivers a message that refutes the truth that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

The Jesuits seem to be on board with this.

  • The last time I was here in this parish was to hear Father James Martin speak.
  • Many of our bishops seem to be on board with this, especially our newest crop of U.S. Cardinals [Cupich, Tobin, Gregory, and McElroy]
  • I happened to be in Rome in 2018 on the day Pope Francis, a Jesuit, told a young gay man that “God made you that way.” It was the lie of the century.

Well, something very similar to that is going on inside this church right now. The Gospel is being watered down, the solid teaching of the Catholic Church is being cast aside, all in the interest of being “welcoming.”

Let me make this as clear as I can:

Many Catholics now say that the Gospel is too harsh; that teaching against homosexuality, same-sex “marriage,” and transgenderism is not seeker friendly, and that people will be driven away from the Catholic Church.

That’s a lie. The truth is always a beacon of light. It’s what drew me, a former gay man, back to my faith. It’s what has drawn so many former homosexual and transgender men and women whom I know to or back to their faith. And their lives have been transformed, and their witnesses are in turn transforming others.

In a phrase abounding with as much love as it is truth, Cardinal Robert Sarah once warned, “We cannot be more compassionate or merciful than Jesus.” The “hard sayings” of Jesus are often the ones that have the most power to deliver from darkness and transform lives.

We cannot be afraid of upholding the truth; truth saves and enriches lives, it doesn’t hinder or diminish them.

Let me tell you a little about myself:

Twenty-five years ago, married with two young sons, I divorced my wife to live as a gay man; 10 years later, while still in a homosexual relationship, I became politically engaged for the first time in my life.

In those days, I was a 100 percent pro-same-sex “marriage.” The first commentary I ever published was for The Washington Post in 2009, arguing in favor of same-sex “marriage.”

But soon afterward, as I began to look more deeply at the issue, something truly extraordinary happened: I was drawn by undeniable truths which clearly outweighed my sexual predilections. I realized I was on the wrong side of history, of science, of biology, of nature, and God. And in the end, I had no choice: I had to reform my life. I resolved to restore my marriage and to make our family whole again. That was in 2011.

In 2013, I was compelled to return to full communion with the Catholic Church, after having been away since shortly before our divorce, and along the way I became a marriage, family, and children’s rights activist.

Although I had always been a quiet guy who had avoided confrontation my entire life, I found myself on the front lines of the marriage battle. As progressive and LGBT activists fought to change state laws across the country to legalize same-sex “marriage,” I fought back. It was impossible for me to sit at home and allow same-sex “marriage” to happen because I knew not only that it was wrong-headed, I could see it would be weaponized and would quickly lead to tyranny, pitting homosexual “rights”against religious freedom for Christians. More importantly, LGBT perceived “rights” would be pitted against the very best interests of children.

And that’s where I want to conclude: the worst thing about PRIDE is that it is demolishing the rights and best interests of children.

  • Kids deserve to be raised by their mom and dad, not two dads or two moms. They yearn for both.
  • Kids deserve to come into the world in the normal way, not by being manufactured and commodified by the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex. IVF and surrogacy are horrible practices. (This goes for straight couples as well.)
  • Kids also don’t deserve to have their bodies mutilated by the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex in the name of the demonic notion of “gender affirmation.”

Yet all this is what the rainbow now stands for. The rainbow flag which is displayed in so many schools and classrooms around our nation and the rest of the western world isn’t a sign of hope and promise, of love and well-being. Far from it. It is an ominous threat to our children, decoupling them from their biological parents, robbing them of the warmth of their nuclear family, inviting the mutilation of their bodies, and untethering from their true identity as human beings, born as one of two complementary sexes.

I’ll end with the prayer I pray at the start of every morning:

Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Raphael, and Saint Gabriel, I implore you:

Amass a powerful army of the Guardian Angels who watch over each one of us same-sex attracted men.

Guardian Angels, guide and protect us. Awaken our hearts and minds, open our eyes and ears so that the Truth of the Gospel might become a bright beacon of light, drawing each of us out of the world and to Christ, so that we might reject with permanent, indelible, indestructible resolve the lies of the father of lies.  Prevent us from being living mockeries of Christ and His Bride.

St. Gabriel, Announce the mystery of the Incarnation to every same-sex attracted man, so that we might become warriors for Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, who has triumphed by His Blood.

St. Raphael, Cast out the demons who afflict, pester, and excite us; heal our blind, wounded souls; and direct our souls’ aimless, pointless wandering toward the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb and His Bride.

St. Michael, Summon the entire heavenly court to engage their forces in this fierce battle against the powers of hell. Enlist us to be warriors like you with courageous hearts, who stand against darkness and evil; Train us to face and demolish the strongholds of the enemy in our hearts and minds and to champion only that which is Divine.

In turn, may our lives serve as a bright beacon of light to others, bringing minds captive to Christ, leading wills to the glorious Liberty of the sons of God, and invigorating human hearts with the Love that leaves all others cold.

May there be a great awakening led by these men.

Saint Joseph, pray for us:

You are the preeminent model of manhood and fatherhood, of spousal, filial and paternal love. O Terror of Demons, teach us to be fearless and to resist the onslaught of the enemy. Show us how to be chaste, loving, and protective as you were in every way. Amen.

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Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist.  He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs.  Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.

