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Male homosexual ‘wedding’ at former Pres. Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort homeLog Cabin Republicans of Tennessee on X

Pledge to pray for the conversion of Donald Trump to the Catholic faith

(LifeSiteNews) — Former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida Mar-a-Lago resort home recently hosted a “wedding” between two men, reportedly approved by Trump himself.

Over the last two weeks, the GOP’s likely 2024 presidential candidate has demonstrated that there are huge cracks in his once-decidedly-more-conservative platform, allowing pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Marxist political influence and power to seep into the Republican Party.

The trajectory toward welcoming woke homo-Marxist political muscle into the GOP was predictable during the final months of the 2020 presidential election when Trump was dubbed by his former acting director of national intelligence, “openly gay” Richard Grenell, as “the most pro-gay president in American history” in a viral campaign video clip.

A year later, Trump hosted a black tie gala for Log Cabin (LGBT) Republicans at Mar-a-Lago where former First Lady Melania Trump was honored with the organization’s “Spirit of Lincoln” Award.

Mar-a-Lago has since become a major symbolic gateway for the intrusion of homo-Marxist ideology within the MAGA (Make America Great Again) political movement.

In December 2022, just two days after Joe Biden signed the so-called “Respect for  Marriage Act” into law, LGBT-identifying Republicans celebrated its enactment at a gala event at Mar-a-Lago, again hosted by the former president himself.

A little over a year after Log Cabin Republicans celebrated the contrived notion of protecting same-sex “marriage” at Mar-a-Lago, they were now dancing and popping champagne corks at a “wedding” between two men conducted at the famed Republican presidential resort compound.

John Sullivan, one of the two “grooms.” reportedly wrote on Instagram, “Huge thank you to Donald Trump for giving us the green light to have our wedding at the beautiful Mar-a-Lago club.”  Sullivan is the Log Cabin Republicans of Tennessee’s vice chairman and treasurer.

“Gay” is a constantly used term, one that gets repeated millions of times a day without a lot of thought. While it is most often used as shorthand for active homosexuals, homosexuality, and the previously fringe homosexual counterculture, its most significant, most accurate meaning is the one least considered: It describes a political movement with deep Marxist roots that wields identity politics as a weapon of mass destruction, undermining and obfuscating timeless truths and upending immutable definitions about marriage, man, woman, son, and daughter.

By allowing himself to be cast as “the most pro-gay president in American history,” Trump has in reality cast himself as an ally of extreme woke neo-Marxism.

Put another way: By sanctioning abortion in the name of creating “happy families” via in vitro fertilization (IVF) and promoting same-sex “marriage,” Trump’s star is rising as a sexual revolutionary, aligning himself with a revolution that over the last 75 years has claimed more victims and wrought more havoc than any war in human history.

Cultural Marxism is our great enemy within 

As the Soviet Union began falling apart in the late 1980s, “Marxism had to evolve to find other revolutionary agents,” wrote Mike Gonzalez and Katherine C. Gorka in a 2022 Heritage Foundation report titled How Cultural Marxism threatens the United States — and How Americans can fight it. “The struggle would no longer be based on economic class but on identity — based on ascribed characteristics, such as race, sex, or national origin, that are inherited at birth and over which the individual has no control.”

They explained:

The strategy to achieve the new cultural Marxism was also no longer predicated on Marx’s original prescription, the violent overthrow of the system by the working class, or in Marx and Engel’s own words, ‘formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, (and) conquest of political power by the proletariat.’ Rather, the strategy now draws on Gramsci’s concept: Ideologues must infiltrate institutions and all of society and ‘raise the consciousness of’ the ‘oppressed’ with a new cultural worldview, or narrative.

Marxism had failed in Western societies when it relied on economic status and violence.  But this time it had a real chance of succeeding. This is the reason that cultural Marxism today presents a far more serious and existential threat to the United States than did Soviet communism.

President Trump is unwittingly being used as a vehicle for anti-human Marxist change within the GOP, the nation, and the western world.

Likewise, “conservative” homosexuals who have claimed the title “married” are also contributing to woke neo-Marxism’s foothold in the United States. While that may not be their intention, that is the result.

Many have attempted to put forth a “conservative rationale for same-sex ‘marriage,’” including Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who penned the majority opinion in the 2015 Obergefell case instituting same-sex “marriage” across the land, but there is none. None.

Justice Kennedy, as it turns out, was never the “conservative” that his admirers claimed him to be; he was a conduit of Marxist change.

Marriage robbed of all meaning

“So gay people fought for marriage to traditionalize themselves (a good thing) to the masses,” one X user wrote osting a recent Pew Research poll, “while the entire time it was actually an effort to change the definition of marriage.”

He pointed out the poll’s most startling finding: “75 PERCENT of LGBT people view open marriages as ‘acceptable’ forms of marriage.”

The poll showed that a miniscule 13% of homosexuals are willing to judge open marriages as “unacceptable.” Twelve percent were unwilling to declare their belief one way or the other.

Clearly, the definition of “marriage” has been robbed — drained — plundered of any substantive meaning among homosexuals who had demanded the right to “marry.”

The conservative America First/MAGA movement with Trump at its helm aims to save America, but conservatives will fail if they sacrifice marriage, the nuclear family, and every child’s right to his or her mother & father on the altar of woke homo-Marxism, while also failing to recognize the absolute dignity of every human life.

‘Truth can never be betrayed’

Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, a priest who in the 1980s famously helped Poland escape communism and triggered a cascade of freedom across a continent, losing his life in the process, once said:

God instilled in man a desire for truth. This is why man thirsts for the truth and despises falsehood. To live in truth is the basic minimum of human dignity even if the price to defend the truth could be costly.

You need to always remain faithful to the truth. Truth can never be betrayed.

President Trump would do well to heed Fr. Popieluszko’s admonition.

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Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist.  He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs.  Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.

