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(LifeSiteNews) — A newly published United Nations report suggests that religious rights must be subordinated to the supposed rights of the LGBT agenda and its adherents. 

The report, published in June by the United Nations (UN) and written by Costa Rican lawyer Victor Madrigal-Borloz, outlines the government’s role in discipling religious institutions which refuse to push LGBT ideology. 

“The limits established in the very design of Freedom of Religion and Belief – including the fundamental rights and freedoms of LGBT persons – are the key to full compatibility of Freedom of Religion and Belief and all actions that are necessary to combat violence and discrimination against them,” wrote Madrigal-Borloz, the UN independent expert on sexual orientation and gender identity. 

The report not so subtly reminded religious institutions that they will be punished if they fail to comply with the LGBT agenda. The document declares that governments should “encourage religious institutions to consider the ways in which representatives will be held responsible in cases in which they promote discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons.” 

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews that the report is further proof “that the UN is essentially a communist, anti-Christian organization whose overriding goal is to destroy Christianity, individual freedom and democracy.” 

Madrigal-Borloz also took aim at religions which condemn homosexual acts and transgenderism as sins, writing, “There are dark corners where LGBT people are regarded as sinners and second-class citizens who should be scorned and abused.” 

The report similarly condemned interpretations of Judeo-Christian scripture which declare homosexual behavior to be sinful. It claimed that the morality of homosexuality is a “matter of theological debate.” 

Furthermore, the report celebrated several dissident religious groups including Catholics for Choice, which promotes abortion despite it being directly contradictory to the teachings of the Catholic Church. He also praised Muslims for Progressive Values, which promotes homosexual and transgender values. 

According to Madrigal-Borloz, gender-confused individuals or those suffering from feelings of homosexuality have a “right to access spirituality on equal terms with everyone else.”  

While he is correct that every person should have a relationship with God and feel loved by Him, Madrigal-Borloz went astray by concluding that this means forcing all religions to endorse LGBT ideology. 

“For many individuals, their religion is part of the foundation of their sense of self, the source of truth,” he asserted. 

“All believers, including religion and belief leaders, have a sexual orientation and a gender identity, and all LGBT persons have beliefs,” the report states. 

Madrigal-Borloz advised governments to use religious leaders and institutions to promote homosexual and transgender ideology within their countries.  

Throughout the report is the common theme that sexuality and gender identity are fundamental rights on the same level, if not higher, than the right of freedom of religion. 

It argues that that religious health workers and institutions should not be able to refuse to provide abortions or transgender “affirming” treatments and surgeries. 

The report further asserts that providers of services and goods, such as bakers and florists, should not be permitted to deny service to any persons or events regardless of if it contradicts their religious beliefs.    

“A human-rights-based approach directly challenges family conceptions that are exclusionary of LGBT persons,” Madrigal-Borloz declared. 

Fonseca warned that “LGBT supremacy is a clear and present danger to all western democracies, and indeed every nation on earth. And clearly now, we can see that LGBT ideology has always been a tool of clever Marxists who’ve been using homosexual ‘marriage’ and transgenderism as vehicles to undermine western democracies, and thus, more quickly achieve a global dictatorship.” 

“So-called ‘gay rights’ were never the true object,” he explained. “It was always destroying democracy and individual liberty. You see, when you can convince the public that tyranny can be imposed on religious believes as an expression of ‘human rights’, what you’ve done is condition the public to accept other forms of tyranny.” 

Fonseca, a Canadian, further revealed that “years before the Liberal government [in Canada] legalized homosexual ‘marriage,’ we warned politicians that to allow Bill C-38  to pass would eventually lead to the Bible being made illegal, and pastors who preached Biblical truth placed behind bars.” 

“The UN report makes it clear that is the goal, and always was, even if it hasn’t yet been fully realized yet,” he added. 

“Every effort must be made by socially conservative member states of the UN to reject this report and prevent its official adoption,” Fonseca appealed. “As with all tyrannies of the past, this one inexorably leads to gulags filled with Christians, and quite possibly, a pile of skulls.” 

Madrigal-Borloz’s report comes as many countries are beginning to oppose the LGBT agenda and return to their counties’ traditional values.  

In 2021, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban passed a law against the promotion of homosexuality to minors “to protect our children.” Despite pushback, Hungary is remaining firm in its dedication to pro-family laws even as the European Union voted to freeze 11.5 billion euros in aid to the country.  

In April, Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, who has been repeatedly attacked by Western leaders for his firm denial of the LGBT agenda, spoke at the first Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Family Values and Sovereignty. The event’s theme was “Protecting African Culture and Family Values” and was attended by leaders from more than 22 African countries and the U.K. 

Similarly, in May, 22 traditional countries united to oppose “comprehensive sexuality education” for children at the annual Commission on Population and Development at the United Nations. 

