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OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Disclosed records show the Canadian government’s Environment and Climate Change Department (ECCC) helped pay the World Economic Forum (WEF) to produce a report that praised and tried to justify the implementation of a radical environmental agenda on citizens, including increasing the punishing carbon tax.

According to documents obtained by The Epoch Times, Canada’s then-Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna in August 2019 had allotted $493,937 of taxpayer money to the WEF to produce the carbon tax-friendly “New Nature Economy Report.”

The goal was to make a strong business case to key business and government decision-makers for extreme environmental rules such as a carbon tax.

The ECCC said its report “will be directed at senior decision-makers in governments and businesses who have the influence and ability to shift business-as-usual approach.”

The disclosed documents became known via Order Paper questions requested by Conservative Party of Canada MP Leslyn Lewis in June 2023. Lewis had asked for a full disclosure of all “contracts, transfer payments, memoranda of understanding, letters of intent, charters, accords, projects and associations between the government and the WEF since November 4, 2015.”

The outcomes from the Order Paper resulted in a 127-page response that was tabled in the House of Commons on September 18.

The “New Nature Economy Report” report was published in June 2020, only a few months into the COVID crisis. However, the WEF also urged world governments to “use their fiscal recovery programmes to reset the economy on more resilient, equitable, and sustainable terms.”

It was in December 2020 when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau jacked up the carbon tax by a significant amount, which will reach about $170 a ton by 2030.

Astoundingly, the documents reveal that over $23 million was spent on WEF projects by Canada.

Trudeau’s carbon tax has resulted in food prices in Canada soaring to record highs.

A recent survey shows that a majority of Canadians want the carbon tax eliminated or reduced.

The Trudeau government’s new “clean fuel” regulations, or in effect a second carbon tax, have recently come into effect, making things even more expensive for Canadians.

Estimates are that this second tax will cost Canadian workers – many of whom are already struggling under decades-high inflation rates – an average of $1,277 extra annually.

A bill before Canada’s senate aims to exempt the carbon tax from Canadian farmers, who have faced the brunt of the prohibitive costs when it comes to using natural gas heaters to dry their grain.

Trudeau government in lockstep with WEF’s ‘Great Reset’

The Trudeau government’s current environmental goals – which are in lockstep with the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – include phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades.

The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the WEF – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda headed by Klaus Schwab – of which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved.

The Trudeau government has implemented many policies that align with the WEF’s so-called “climate change” agenda, including a punishing carbon tax, and attacks on the nation’s oil and gas industries.

The ties between the WEF and the Trudeau Liberals run deep. Indeed, Schwab once told Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that he has “counted” on her to make sure his globalist goals see the light of day.

It should be noted that Freeland is currently serving as a member of the WEF Board of Trustees.

In January, she attended a WEF meeting and participated in a public panel on Ukraine.

Some provinces, such as Alberta and Saskatchewan, are fighting Trudeau’s radical environmental policies.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has been battling the federal government over its extreme environmental policies for months. She recently said she is preparing to use her province’s Sovereignty Act to fight Trudeau’s forthcoming Clean Electricity Regulations.

