Canon lawyers and theologians to hold conference on ‘deposing the pope’

PARIS, March 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Canon lawyers, theologians, and scholars will be meeting in Paris in two weeks to discuss a topic that has never been the focus of a Catholic conference before: How to depose a heretical pope.  Titled Deposing the Pope: Theological Premises, Canonical Models, Constitutional Challenge, the conference seeks to explore the mechanisms that are built into the Catholic Church for dealing with a pope who openly teaches falsehood and even heresy.  Speaking at the conference will be University of Paris Professor Laurent Fonbaustier who published a 1200 page book last year on the topic that […]

My head is spinning!

First, a quick update: Today is Day 3 of our crucial spring fundraising campaign, and we have raised $20,223 of our $225,000 minimum goal. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! (To donate, click here) If you’ve been reading LifeSite for a while, you already know how vitally important our quarterly fundraising campaigns are to our mission. Without the incredible generosity of thousands of readers like you, we simply could not continue functioning or reach the literally tens of millions of people who visit our site every year to learn the TRUTH about abortion, marriage, faith, freedom […]