Humans Are Not 98% Genetically Identical to Chimpanzees

Humans Are Not 98% Genetically Identical to Chimpanzees by Commentary by Wesley J. Smith Note: This article originally appeared on Smith’s blog, August 13, 2008 ( – I have been researching the purported genetic near-identity between humans and chimps – asserted as the “scientific” basis for the Great Ape Project – and found (unsurprisingly) that the entire advocacy line that “humans and chimps share 98% of our genes” is plain false. This gets a little complicated, so stick with me. First, the 98% figure is probably overstated. An article in Science puts the actual figure at 94%. (Jon […]

The source of future wealth: Babies

June 28, 2013 (Acton Institute) – Would your life be better off if only half as many people had lived before you? That’s the intriguing question Ramez Naam asks in his new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet. As Ronald Bailey says in a review of the book, In this thought experiment, you don’t get to pick which people are never born. Perhaps there would have been no Newton, Edison, or Pasteur, no Socrates, Shakespeare, or Jefferson. “Each additional idea is a gift to the future,” Naam writes. “Each additional idea producer is a source of wealth for future […]

‘I’m expecting twins – and I feel like I ruined my family’: America’s most charming couple is back

Yup, it’s them again. America’s most charming couple is back in the news. You remember, don’t you? We were introduced back in May when Albert Garland (a pseudonym), published a piece on Babble with the charming sub-headline: “My wife’s expecting twins — and I’m not happy about it.”  Things only went downhill from there. Well, apparently the reaction to Albert’s piece was less than positive (who knew?), and now his wife has stepped forward to tell her side of the story in a follow-up piece on Babble.  “Mrs. Albert Garland” patiently explains, in their defense, that she and her husband only […]

Media coverage on Texas SB 5 misses pro-life progress

June 28, 2013 (NRO) – Wednesday afternoon, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced that he would in fact call another session of the Texas state legislature. In his statement, Governor Perry made it clear that the people of Texas wanted to see the legislature take action on legislation pertaining to juvenile justice, transportation, and protecting the unborn. As such, the legislature will have ample time to consider legislation similar to SB 5. Governor Perry should be applauded. As I mentioned in my post on Wednesday, his decision to call for special session sends a clear message that unruly behavior will not be rewarded. Click […]

The ‘crack baby’ myth – another debunked ‘reason’ for abortion

Have you been given this scenario to justify abortion before? “What about a baby whose mother is addicted to crack cocaine and will be born with an addiction to crack? Would you rather that baby suffer horribly and have a terrible life?” How do you respond? Usually, I reply with something like the following: “No, of course I wouldn’t rather have the baby suffer. No one wants a baby to suffer. However, I wouldn’t kill a child as a solution to her potential suffering. Shouldn’t we always seek to eliminate suffering- not the person who is suffering?” Or “Do you think there are ways […]

Community opposition to Chicago area abortionist Cheryl Chastine is growing

A crowd of three dozen pro-life activists assembled Wednesday in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park to protest outside Total Wellness Inc. — the family practice office of Dr. Cheryl Chastine, the “registered agent” of the recently opened South Wind Women’s Center abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. Chastine doesn’t want her regular patients and her Oak Park neighbors to know she’s an abortionist, and one doesn’t have to think about it very long to understand why. Pro-Abortion Activists Help the League Expose Chastine As an Abortionist That’s the whole point of our protests: to make sure that Chastine’s patients and […]

Three-parent embryos for mitochondrial disease? Twelve reasons for caution

The media is buzzing today with the news that Britain is planning to become the first country in the world to offer controversial ‘three-parent’ fertility treatments to families who want to avoid passing on mitochondrial diseases to their children (See BBC, Guardian, Times (£), Independent, Daily Mail and Telegraph).  The Department of Health announced yesterday that it would draw up draft guidelines to allow fertility clinics to offer the technique. The proposed guidelines would be released for public comment later this year, and Parliament would vote on a final version in 2014.  Scientists are currently researching two main three-parent IVF techniques. The first, being developed at Britain's Newcastle […]

Religious liberty and the regulatory road to serfdom

The verdict is out on whether or not religious organizations and institutions will be able to keep their non-profit status, their licenses to operate, and so on if they do not comply with ideologically driven government mandates regarding sexuality, marriage, religious hiring, end-of-life issues, and abortion.

Gay Activists to Speak in Ontario Elementary Schools

Gay Activists to Speak in Ontario Elementary Schools by By Hilary White OTTAWA, February 8, 2008 ( – Ken O’Day, chairman of the Renfrew County Family Action Council, has sent a letter to Ontario Education Minister Kathleen Wynne, asking for the cancellation of a planned visit by homosexual activists to an Ottawa Valley school, Goulbourn Middle School, in Stittsville, Ontario. A school newsletter confirms that an Ottawa-based homosexual lobby organization will send speakers to the school this year to bring the group’s “diversity training” to grade 7 and 8 students. Mr. O’Day asked the minister to ensure that “gay […]

LifeSiteNews meets Pope Francis

Over a decade ago, Steve Jalsevac and I were surprised to learn that the Vatican makes use of’s news and information. We learned this information directly from one of the participants at a high level Vatican meeting.

Scalia Questions ‘Sanity’ of Important Moral Decisions like Abortion Being Decided by ‘Unelected Jud

Scalia Questions ‘Sanity’ of Important Moral Decisions like Abortion Being Decided by ‘Unelected Jud by ORANGE, California, August 30, 2005 ( – US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia denounced on Monday the use of “unelected judges” to decide morally-charged issues like abortion and same-sex “marriage.” Speaking after a Chapman University law school re-enactment of a 100-year-old law case, Scalia said, as reported by AP, “I am questioning the propriety – indeed, the sanity – of having a value-laden decision such as this made for the entire society … by unelected judges.” Scalia also voiced his consternation with a judicial […]

Homosexuality and the Church – The Toughest Questions Answered

Homosexuality and the Church – The Toughest Questions Answered by By John-Henry Westen December 7, 2009 ( – Last month on the Jesuit-run America magazine blog, Associate Editor Fr. James Martin, S.J, wrote a column headlined, “What Should a Gay Catholic Do?” In that post Fr. Martin painted a picture of a life of misery for faithful Catholics who are also same-sex attracted, backing up his statements with official Church teaching. But the perplexing and heart-wrenching question posed by Fr. Marin has now been convincingly answered by a man who is the very subject of Fr. Martin’s discourse—a ‘gay’ […]

Catholic Sebelius: abortion is between a woman, her doctor, and her priest

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, a self-professed Catholic, said this week that abortion restrictions are wrong because the choice should be a discussion between women, their doctors, and “their priests.” “I'm alarmed about restrictions being passed by various legislators that take out of the control of women and their partners and their doctors and their priests, their own decision about their own healthcare,” she said. “I think women should make their own decisions and have a range of options available to them.” The Catholic Church opposes abortion as a form of murder.  The remarks are reminiscent of […]

Gay marriage rising: who’s to blame?

If yesterday's Supreme Court decisions on gay marriage were tough to swallow, this post will be even more of a challenge to accept. On the merits of the cases, dissenting Justice Scalia got it exactly right. No argument there. It’s where the blame ultimately lies that separates me from many fellow conservative and orthodox Catholics. It’s many, if not a majority, of us. It’s hard for me to blame the gays and lesbians here. They are a tiny minority of the population who have managed to swing some 55% of the nation their way. Yesterday was a hard-won victory for […]

Scottish government committee recommends making free leather gloves available to teenage burglars

Colin McGregor (not his real name) is unlikely to forget his 15th birthday. ‘The night I cut my hand, I was celebrating my birthday,’ he says. ‘I told my friend I was going to burgle a house down the street because I wanted a television set. He said I should be careful that I didn’t cut myself smashing a window but I didn’t take proper precautions and came back bleeding. I was scared about people’s reactions but a bit excited at the same time. But then when I told my parents they didn’t take it well at all. All hell […]

Chicago abortion clinic continues stall tactics to avoid paying $36,000 fine

A hearing was held on Tuesday, June 18 in the case of People of the State of Illinois v. Women’s Aid Clinic of Lincolnwood in Cook County Court in downtown Chicago, and  Women’s Aid Clinic owner Larisa Rozansky is continuing her stall tactics: As has happened in four of the past five hearings in the case, Rozansky didn’t bother to show up in Judge Alexander White’s courtroom. The state Attorney General’s office filed suit [PDF] against Women’s Aid in August 2012 after the notorious abortion facility refused to pay the $36,000 fine assessed against it by the Illinois Department of […]

A very bad day for marriage and the family in the US (corrected)

It has been a very bad day for marriage, the family and freedom. Today has revealed that the American system of checks and balances in government in the United States has been deliberately corrupted. There is no way the Supreme Court should have made the decisions it did on DOMA and on Proposition 8. Ladies and gentlemen, freedom is quickly being snuffed out in the United States and the only answer is for the silent, distracted masses and all patriotic American citizens to wake up and vigorously challenge today's illegitimate and immoral governing establishment. It would be very foolish to […]

No mainstream media outlets express concern after protesters block Texas late-term abortion ban

I am pleased that Charmaine and Kathryn had posts this morning about SB 5. As I mentioned yesterday, this piece of legislation would ban abortion after 20 weeks, require that abortion clinics meet the same standards as other health-care facilities, and mandate that abortion providers have admitting privileges at a local hospital. The legislation was under consideration during a special session of the Texas state legislature which was required to end at midnight. Senate Republicans succeeded in ending Senator Wendy Davis’s filibuster at around 10PM. However, various procedural moves delayed consideration of the full bill. As the clock neared midnight there was a concerted […]

I’m Flabbergasted!

Despite the many hundreds of thousands who have visited our site since the beginning of this campaign, so far only 1,455 have donated! With only 6 days to go, we need a huge ramp-up in response from readers of LifeSiteNews to the campaign.

Sex outside the bedrooms of the nation

“There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation,” a tousled, sweaty-looking Pierre Trudeau told a clump of reporters outside the House of Commons in 1967. It was, history now tells us, an iconic moment. Trudeau’s phrase rapidly became a slogan: “The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation”—which, in turn, was becoming a secular dogma. Across North America and indeed, the morally ravaged husk of what was once known as “Christendom,” the sexual fascists of the Relativist Revolution demanded that we all recognize that the only Truth was that there was no Truth, […]

Requiem for the ballerinas

The corruption of innocence is a deadly sin, because it corrupts the innocents. Better a millstone be tied around the necks of those who corrupt the innocent and they be flung into the sea, said Jesus. He really never pointed out too many particular sins attaching to them a ‘woe betide’. About the only other one was at the Last Supper when He said it would be better had Judas never been born than to betray Him. So the corruption of the innocent ranks pretty high on the list of deadly sins. This all comes to mind after attending my […]

I told the Pope I have eight kids, he said, “Good, keep going!”

June 15-16, 2013 will be days I remember for the rest of my life.  I had the opportunity to participate in an official capacity with the Vatican in celebrating the pro-life encyclical of Pope John Paul II – the Gospel of Life, and meet with his successor Pope Francis. The Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization invited to participate in the Vatican’s celebration of Evangelium Vitae – Pope John Paul II's encyclical known in English as “The Gospel of Life.” Beyond promoting the Day with a few stories and interviews, co-founder Steve Jalsevac and I travelled to Rome […]

Yes, despite media claims to the contrary, pro-life laws are popular in Texas

During the past couple days the Texas state legislature has been engaged in an intense debate over Senate Bill 5 (SB5), which would ban abortion after 20 weeks when there is medical evidence that the unborn can feel pain. SB5 would also require that abortion clinics meet the same standards as other health-care facilities and mandate that abortion providers have admitting privileges at a local hospital. Some have argued that regulations included in this bill would result in the closure of many Texas abortion clinics. Many supporters of legal abortion have been present in the state capitol in Austin to […]

William Saletan attacks late-term abortion ban…does pro-life activists a big favor

A column by William Saletan who covers science for Slate, appeared in Thursday’s Chicago Tribune as an attack on the U. S. House vote to outlaw abortion at 20 weeks. His effort is to show that pro-lifers are subtly attempting to push back the cut-off date until we reach the very beginning of fetal life. But in the attempt he does pro-life and the unborn a great service by trotting out the facts of fetal development that we are always trying to explain to the public. He says while pain is felt before 20 weeks, this isn’t the point. It’s just a […]

The heartbreaking, but brutally honest way to say ‘abortion’ in sign language (VIDEO)

A video making the rounds of the pro-life Internet world comes directly from a prominent online sign language dictionary, and shows the sign for the word “abortion.” It is both heartbreaking, and surprising in its honesty. A baby being cradled in the signer's hands, and then being unceremoniously dumped with one of the hands. Some pro-life activists often say that people won't be against abortion until they see abortion. This sign allows people to “see” abortion in a powerful way, even without the use of graphic images.  Take a look (if the video doesn't work, click here): Click “like” if you are […]

Killing Tommy: one woman describes her ‘harrowing’ choice to abort her son with Down syndrome

I cracked open the July copy of the Chatelaine magazine and my eyes fell upon the headline: Tommy’s Story. One woman shares her harrowing choice to end her pregnancy and say goodbye to the unborn son she already loved. “Whoa”, I thought. “This should be interesting.” Once I read the story, my first response was to be heart-broken for this woman, who clearly regrets her decision, but still seems to be under the delusion that what she chose wasn’t outright wrong. The article focuses on her feelings and struggle to make the decision to have an abortion but not the effect her decision […]

Why did the Home Secretary let this man into the UK?

Last week I wrote to the Home Secretary Theresa May advising her about the visit of Australian assisted suicide enthusiast Philip Nitschke (pictured) and urging her to prevent him entering Britain to conduct a seminar on methods people can use to kill themselves. On Sunday Nitschke was detained at Gatwick airport, but eventually let into the country several hours later after having some ‘items’ temporarily confiscated by border police. Nitschke (aka Dr Death) is an extremist and self-publicist whose presence in the UK puts the lives of vulnerable elderly, depressed and disabled people at grave risk.  His workshop in London on […]

Ontario Catholic Teachers Association Mulls Promotion of Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Ontario Catholic Teachers Association Mulls Promotion of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ by TORONTO, February 19, 2004 ( – At its annual general meeting next month, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) will consider a resolution to promote homosexual ‘marriage’. The resolution (no. 151) put forward by OECTA’s own Human Rights Committee states: “That the Association communicate with the federal government its support for the passing of the legislation changing the definition of marriage to allow for same-sex unions.” The proposed OECTA ‘action directive’ is offensive to many faithful Catholic teachers forced to belong to the association and pay dues to […]

New Study Confirms Overwhelming Death Rate of IVF Human Embryos

New Study Confirms Overwhelming Death Rate of IVF Human Embryos by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski DENVER, Colorado, October 26, 2010 ( – A report by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) on a study of IVF “efficiency” states that just 7.5 percent of all artificially fertilized embryos will go on to become live-born children. “It should surprise no one that the vast majority of sperm and eggs never get together to even begin the fertilization process,” said Dr. Robert W. Rebar, Executive Director of the ASRM, in a press release. “But, it is very important to understand that […]

Public Nudity: Canadian Liberal Politicians and at least one Supreme Court Justice

Public Nudity: Canadian Liberal Politicians and at least one Supreme Court Justice by Editorial by John-Henry Westen As if Canada was not embarrassed enough by the childish antics of some Liberal politicians . . . – Liberal (former) MP Carolyn Parrish who stomped on a Bush doll, called him a “moron” and referring to Americans said “I hate those bastards” – Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who was just named as the mistress in a divorce settlement, has said that women’s groups which do not support abortion should not receive government funding – Liberal (former) MP Hedy Fry claimed falsely […]

Secular economist discovers: Human beings are our greatest natural resource

June 24, 2013 (Acton Institute) – If the PowerBlog has a favorite atheist libertarian economist, it’s probably George Mason professor Don Boudreaux. Although he isn’t a believer, he sometimes stumbles upon what I would consider to be Christian insights. Consider, for instance, his take on the term “natural resources”: In nearly all contexts, words and phrases inevitably convey not only information (such as, as Deirdre would say, “telephone numbers”), but also ideas – notions – interpretations – perspectives – biases – prejudices – spins -approval or disapproval – informal theories – attitudes and judgments – unconscious conclusions. And much of all […]

LSN Reporting: Food for the Soul

Newspaper subscriptions and cable television can cost many hundreds of dollars each year, and according to this new Gallup poll, 75% of the people who pay for these services don’t even trust the information they provide!

Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart “One Sick Individual”: Nebraska Attorney General

Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart “One Sick Individual”: Nebraska Attorney General by By John Jalsevac June 15, 2009 ( – In the wake of the murder of his close friend and colleague George Tiller, Nebraska late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has stated that he will continue offering third-trimester abortions. In a telephone interview with the Associated Press last week Carhart said, “there will be a place in Kansas for the later second- and the medically indicated third-trimester patients very soon.” Carhart said that he has never performed third-trimester abortions at his facility in Nebraska, but that he has done so at […]

Duggar’s 19th Child Born Prematurely

Duggar’s 19th Child Born Prematurely by By James Tillman LITTLE ROCK, AR, December 15, 2009 ( – Michelle Duggar, of TLC’s “18 Kids and Counting” reality show, delivered her 19th baby prematurely by emergency c-section on Thursday, December 10th. Josie Brooklyn was at 25 weeks gestation when the decision to deliver her was made due to the fact that Michelle had preeclampsia, which can cause serious complications for both the baby and mother. “The obstetrical and neonatal teams reached the collaborative decision that Mrs. Duggar needed an emergency c-section to ensure the blood pressure problem would not be detrimental […]

Belgium is moving closer to allowing euthanasia of children

June 21, 2013 ( – An article published in on June 20, 2013 is reporting that Belgian lawmakers are moving closer to legalising the euthanasia of minors, so long as they are judged capable of deciding for themselves. The Quebec government has recently introduced a bill to legalize euthanasia based on the Belgian euthanasia law. The article stated: “Four senators from parties in the governing coalition formally put forward changes to a 2002 law that made Belgium the second country in the world after The Netherlands to legalise mercy killing in certain cases. “Their parties said they would back […]

'The Voyage of Life' is a must watch video on fetal development

June 21, 2013 (National Right to Life News) – It’s only a Facebook page (as far as I can tell) named “Only for Nurses.” I stumbled across it and so much has happened since I did that I don’t recall who/what brought me to the computer-generated video that ran under the headline “Amazing Must Watch… And share” And I’m not entirely sure I can adequately explain what you see at “Odysee” (“Voyage”), only my conclusion: “Wow!” All pro-lifers have seen probably a dozen (or many dozens of) fetal development videos. In my experience, with rare exceptions, they are exceptionally helpful. So […]

Big increase in assisted suicide deaths in Washington State in 2012.

The number of assisted suicide deaths in Washington State, increased by 17% in 2012. Assisted suicide was legalized in March 2009, after a ballot measure. The number assisted suicide deaths in WashingtonState were: 83 in 2012, 70 in 2011, 51 in 2010. There has been a 63% increase in the number of assisted suicide deaths in Washington State since 2010. The number of prescriptions for assisted suicide were: 121 in 2012, 103 in 2011, 87 in 2010. There has been a 39% increase in the number of prescriptions for assisted suicide in Washington State since 2010. In Oregon, where assisted suicide has been legal since 1998, the number of assisted suicide […]

Dear Cecile Richards: MLK did not support black genocide

Dear Cecile Richards, Please stop abusing civil rights history to justify your present-day killing fields. Martin Luther King Jr’s memory is not a dummy that you can manipulate like a ventriloquist. Although he regrettably accepted the inaugural Margaret Sanger Award from the nation’s largest birth control chain in 1966, he wasn’t praising the slaughter of millions that Planned Parenthood was plotting to make central to its mission.  The nation’s abortionist-in-chief tweeting about Juneteenth, a celebration of the abolition of the dehumanizing institution of slavery, is like China celebrating freedom of speech. “No one is free until all are free” apparently […]

Ontario Public School Boards Call for Elimination of Catholic Separate System

Ontario Public School Boards Call for Elimination of Catholic Separate System by By Hilary White HAMILTON, April 23, 2007 ( – Although separate Catholic school boards in Ontario are guaranteed under the Canadian Constitution, a series of recent motions by public school board trustees has called their continued existence and distinctive religious nature into question. The Ottawa Citizen reports that the public Ottawa Carleton District School Board voted ten to one on April 10 to eliminate their separate English and French publicly funded schools. The vote reaffirmed a 2001 motion in favour of a unified non-Catholic school system. In […]

Costco Fires Catholic Who Denied Knights of Columbus Hall for Lesbian “Marriage”

Costco Fires Catholic Who Denied Knights of Columbus Hall for Lesbian “Marriage” by Exclusive PORT COQUITLAM, BC, November 30, 2005 ( – A member of the Knights of Columbus who is in charge of renting the fraternity’s hall for weddings and other events alleges he was fired from his day job at Costco for his involvement in denying two lesbians the facility for their same-sex “wedding.” The human rights case in which the lesbian couple successfully sued the Knights of Columbus over the denial of the hall made international headlines. (see coverage: ) LESBIAN WAS A CO-WORKER […]

New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed: Pro-Life Activists

New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed: Pro-Life Activists by By James Tillman NEW YORK, NY, October 16, 2009 (—A new report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, entitled “Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress,” points to the fact that over a billion abortions have been committed, say pro-life activists. The report found that the annual number of abortions have declined over the period from 1995 to 2003. Nevertheless, the Guttmacher Institute said that in 2003 approximately 41.6 million abortions were committed worldwide. On average, this works out to more than one death by abortion for each second […]

I want pro-abortion activists to talk about what they believe as loudly and as long as they can

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a piece in this space critiquing one aspect of a blog post by pro-abortion activist and blogger Katie Klabusich. Katie’s post was a scattershot rant about how terrible pro-life sidewalk counselors and prayer partners are (Note: They’re not), in which she repeated the common pro-abortion trope that the images of aborted babies we use in our activism are fake (Note: They’re not). Katie then “responded” to my piece with another blog post. I put responded in quotes because she didn’t actually address any of my evidence that our pictures are real. I get it. Like I said in my […]

Siri to help prevent suicide – but not assisted suicide?

So Apple is putting a suicide prevention function into Siri, the ”personal assistant” installed in the i-phone. From the ABC story: Apple’s snarky assistant has been updated with a helpful, serious feature.Siri will now respond to suicidal statements with useful suicide prevention information. Prior to this week if you had told Siri “I want to kill myself” or “I want to jump off a bridge,” the service would either search the web or worse search for the nearest bridge. Now, Apple has directed the assistant to immediately return the phone number of the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. “If you are thinking about suicide, you may want to […]

Astounding Numbers

Recently, The Tampa Bay Times released their list of America’s 50 worst charities, based on the amount of donor funds used to pay solicitors to fund-raise. The numbers are astounding, and an embarrassment to non-profit organizations everywhere.

New scientific evidence supports personhood rights

A new article by Gonzalo Herranz, “The Timing of Monozygotic Twinning: A Criticism of the Common Model,” appears to deflate one of the most common science-based challenges to pro-life personhood philosophy. According to the theory that has been accepted for more than half a century, early human embryos have the ability to split, forming monozygotic (“identical”) twins, up to 14 days after fertilization. This is often used to challenge the pro-life contention that every human being is an individual, unique person from the moment of fertilization. It is argued that because of the possibility of twinning, there is no reason […]

Dutch Study Shows Patients Requesting Euthanasia Likely Depressed

Dutch Study Shows Patients Requesting Euthanasia Likely Depressed by By Hilary White LEIDEN, January 16, 2006 ( –Â A study published by Dutch researchers in the September 20, 2005 edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) has shown that at least 50% of patients killed under the Dutch euthanasia programme were suffering from depression. In addition, 44% of those suffering from cancer showed clinical signs of depression when they asked for euthanasia. Titled, Euthanasia and Depression: A Prospective Cohort Study Among TerminallyÂIll Cancer Patients, the study reports that the risk to request euthanasia for patients with depressed mood […]

Ontario’s Premier, Kathleen Wynne, appears to be considering Quebec’s euthanasia proposal

Kathleen Wynne, the Liberal premier of Ontario, appears to be considering similar proposals as Quebec did last week when it introduced Bill 52, to legalize euthanasia in Quebec. Last week, CBC News reported Wynne making overtures of support to Bill 52, to legalize euthanasia in Quebec, and now the Toronto Sun has published an interview with Wynne, who uses careful but supportive language. The article published in the Toronto Sun quotes Wynne as stating: We need to have a chat about “end-of-life” decisions — such as the euthanasia debate Quebec Premier Pauline Marois ignited in her province recently. Wynne was then quoted […]

Calgary Pro-Life Students Handed Trespassing Notices, Again

Calgary Pro-Life Students Handed Trespassing Notices, Again by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski CALGARY, AB, March 26, 2009 ( – Members of University of Calgary Campus Pro Life (CPL) will continue presenting the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) display on campus, despite having been charged with trespassing for setting up the display last Fall, and despite having been yet again handed trespassing notices by university security guards today. CPL set up the GAP display this morning, in defiance of the University’s attempts to quash the display by issuing trespassing notices. They intend to set up the display again tomorrow morning. Leah […]

Family Advocates Take McDonald’s Boycott to Home of the Golden Arches After “Hate” Smear

Family Advocates Take McDonald’s Boycott to Home of the Golden Arches After “Hate” Smear by By Peter J. Smith OAK BROOK, Illinois, July 16, 2008 ( – The boycott against McDonald’s over its public support of a gay lobby group pushing same-sex “marriage” has now escalated, as the pro-family groups the global hamburger giant accused recently of “hate” have brought the fight right to the home of the famed Golden Arches. The American Family Association (AFA), Americans for Truth, the Illinois Family Institute, and the legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel held a joint press conference Wednesday in front of […]

Mother Charged in Murder of Her Autistic Son

Mother Charged in Murder of Her Autistic Son by By Patrick B. Craine MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, October 30, 2009 ( – A Mississauga, Ontario woman was charged earlier this week with murdering her autistic son in what some are speculating may be a case of euthanasia spurred by the boy’s condition. While full details on the case are yet to be revealed, one advocate for people with disabilities has urged authorities not to treat autism as a “mitigating factor,” but instead to “extend special legal protection” to Canada’s vulnerable. Tony Khor, 15, was found by Peel Regional Police on Sunday […]

Obama Calls Abortion Funding in Healthcare Legislation a “Fabrication”

Obama Calls Abortion Funding in Healthcare Legislation a “Fabrication” by By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., August 20, 2009 ( – In a conference call with faith leaders yesterday, President Obama said it was a “fabrication” and “untrue” that his health care legislation involved “government funding of abortions.” In a call during which the president used multiple Biblical references to criticize opponents of his healthcare plan, the president said, “You’ve heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from […]

Priest-Brother of Arrested Carleton Student: ‘I Can’t Be a Moderate Pro-Lifer Any Longer’

Priest-Brother of Arrested Carleton Student: ‘I Can’t Be a Moderate Pro-Lifer Any Longer’ by By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, October 15, 2010 ( – The arrests of five pro-life students at Carleton University last week should inspire pro-lifers to step up and engage in the pro-life battle, said Fr. Simon Lobo, brother of arrested Carleton Lifeline President Ruth Lobo, in a powerful homily in Ottawa on Sunday. “Yes – yes I am the brother of Ruth Lobo,” said the priest, a member of the Companions of the Cross community. “I’ve never been more proud to admit that, actually, […]

McGill Pro-Life Presentation Shut Down by Protesters – Two Arrested

McGill Pro-Life Presentation Shut Down by Protesters – Two Arrested by By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, October 7, 2009 ( – A controversial pro-life presentation hosted by McGill University’s pro-life club Choose Life was chanted down by protesters last night. Police were called to the scene and, after repeated requests for civility, two were arrested. The talk, entitled ‘Echoes of the Holocaust’ was given by Jose Ruba of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform. The talk draws a parallel between past atrocities, such as the Holocaust, and abortion. Prior to the event, the Student Society of McGill University […]

U.S. Pro-Life Student Group Defends Arrested Canadian Pro-Life ‘Heroes’

U.S. Pro-Life Student Group Defends Arrested Canadian Pro-Life ‘Heroes’ by By Kathleen Gilbert ARLINGTON, Virginia, October 5, 2010 ( – An American organization of pro-life students has expressed solidarity with a group of Canadian students arrested Monday morning for setting up a display against abortion on the campus of Carleton University in Ottawa. Ruth Lobo, James Shaw, Nicholas MacLeod, and Craig Stewart were joined by Zuza Kurzawa from Queen’s University in Ontario. All five were taken into custody by police for setting up a Genocide Awareness Project display on the Tory Quad. The school had forbidden the group from […]

University of Calgary Pro-Life Students Defy Threats of Arrest over Pro-Life Display

University of Calgary Pro-Life Students Defy Threats of Arrest over Pro-Life Display by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski CALGARY, Alberta, November 27, 2008 ( – Despite opposition from the University of Calgary, Campus Pro-Life has continued its second day of displaying signs for the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) on the campus, in defiance of threats of arrest, fines and civil action by university officials. U of C administration yesterday issued a statement that said, “Earlier today University of Calgary Campus Security formally advised seven members of the Campus Pro-Life (CPL) group that they were trespassing on university property. The CPL […]

Dutch Euthanasia Doctor Admits to Killing 4 Newborns With Lethal Injections

Dutch Euthanasia Doctor Admits to Killing 4 Newborns With Lethal Injections by GRONINGEN, April 27, 2005 ( – The UK news magazine, the Evening Standard, reports an extraordinary confession today by a Dutch doctor who admits to having euthanized disabled newborns. Dutch paediatrician Eduard Verhagen is in the forefront of a push to have the euthanasia of infants made legal in order to protect doctors who are already doing it. He admitted that he had given lethal injections to four babies born with spina bifida, a condition that is sometimes correctable by pre-natal surgery. Verhagen said, “All four babies […]

McGill University Officials Speak Out Against Silencing of Pro-Life Presentation

McGill University Officials Speak Out Against Silencing of Pro-Life Presentation by By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, October 16, 2009 ( – At a ‘Controversial Events Town Hall’ meeting last week, McGill University Deputy Provost (Student Life Learning) Morton Mendelson came out against the October 6th protests that silenced a presentation hosted by the university’s pro-life club, reports McGill Daily. At least two other McGill university officials have also condemned the protests, though it is not clear as yet whether the university has taken action to discipline the protesters. “The University has been very open with respect to protest, […]

Five Canadian Pro-Life University Students Arrested for Setting up Display

Five Canadian Pro-Life University Students Arrested for Setting up Display by By Patrick B. Craine Updated 10/4/10 at 17:00 OTTAWA, Ontario, October 4, 2010 ( – Four pro-life students at the Carleton University and one from Queen’s University were arrested this morning by Ottawa city police as they prepared to conduct a peaceful pro-life demonstration on Carleton’s campus. The students were arrested around 9:00 a.m. as they were preparing to set up signs in the university’s Tory Quad, a central outdoor location, for the Genocide Awareness Project, which compares abortion to past atrocities through graphic imagery. “This will set […]

Of University Pro-Life Free Speech and Pro-Abortion Soccer Games

Of University Pro-Life Free Speech and Pro-Abortion Soccer Games by By John-Henry Westen CALGARY, April 2, 2008 ( – As reported yesterday, nine pro-life students from the University of Calgary ignored what they understood to be a ridiculous threat of ‘trespassing’ on their own campus, in order to set up a pro-life display. The group first held a press conference and then entered the campus with media in toe. learned today that the students found a soccer game in progress at the spot they planned to set up their display – a soccer game staged by the campus […]

Canadian Center for Bioethical Reform Launches Site with Wealth of Pro-Life Info

Canadian Center for Bioethical Reform Launches Site with Wealth of Pro-Life Info by By Patrick B. Craine CALGARY, Alberta, October 7, 2010 ( – A leading Canadian pro-life organization is aiming to “raise the bar” for pro-life activism in the country with the launch of a new website geared to training our multimedia generation in pro-life arguments and strategy. “We want the site to be a must-stop location for anyone who wants to know about abortion in Canada,” explained Jose Ruba, co-founder of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR). The site features an in-depth and brand-new Pro-Life Classroom […]

Sharp Growth in Dutch Euthanasia Deaths

Sharp Growth in Dutch Euthanasia Deaths by Commentary by Alex Schadenberg, Chairman, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition June 16, 2010 ( – The Netherlands’ 2009 euthanasia statistics were reported today in the Dutch media. The number of euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands has been significantly increasing on a yearly basis. The most recent report suggests that there were 2636 reported euthanasia deaths, a 13% increase over the 2008 statistics. It should be noted that media reports about euthanasia in the Netherlands do not include all categories of direct and intentional reported deaths. The Netherlands has separate categories for assisted suicide and […]

My letter to the General Medical Council over its guidance to doctors on conscientious objection

When two Glasgow midwives won the right to opt out of supervising abortions last April I suggested that the General Medical Council (GMC) needed to revise its professional guidance on the matter which now seemed to be at odds with the law. At the time Niall Dickson (pictured), the GMC's chief executive, actually told the Guardian that the GMC would need to consider the implications of the judges' decision on its guidance. He is quoted as saying:  ‘We will study the outcome of this ruling, which has just come out, to see if there are any implications for our guidance. We already have clear […]

Bringing love to empty eyes and scarred arms: how to win hearts to the pro-life cause

Nothing quite gives a pro-life activist the opportunity to find out where our culture is at and how wounded it is as being out on the streets, discussing abortion with our generational counterparts. The first thing that always strikes me is how much hurt and how much pain is out there, and how badly so many people need to hear the very simple messages of human value and human dignity. One of the most common mistakes pro-lifers make when conversing with people on the streets is that we are often prone to talk to people, not with people. We often […]

Are babies conceived in rape somehow incapable of feeling pain?

H.R. 1797 — The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act pending in Congress — as amended on June 14, 2013, now has a rape and incest exception — as if children conceived in rape are such mutants that we are incapable of feeling pain.  Well, I'm feeling the pain right now — especially when you've thrown us under the bus!  This is a callous attack on children conceived in rape — a wanton and reckless disregard for our lives.  The first section of the bill goes into great detail how unborn children experience pain, and why, beginning at 20 weeks gestation, […]

ENDA the Road: Homosexual Discrimination Bill Must be Stopped Say Catholic Bishops

ENDA the Road: Homosexual Discrimination Bill Must be Stopped Say Catholic Bishops by By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., May 26, 2010 ( – The U.S. Catholic bishops have come out in full force against the federal Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA). They say they can no longer stay neutral on a bill that they charge will lead to the Roe v. Wade of traditional marriage in the United States, and trample on the rights of employers and those speaking the truth about homosexuality. In a letter sent to Congress on May 19, and obtained by the Jesuit-run publication America, […]

Two Bishops Speak at Gay Conference Condemned by a Third Bishop

Two Bishops Speak at Gay Conference Condemned by a Third Bishop by By Hilary White MINNEAPOLIS, March 19, 2007 ( – New Ways Ministry, an organization promoting the normalization of homosexuality in the Catholic Church, held a conference last weekend in Minneapolis that was attended by 550 people, including a large contingent of Catholic priests and sisters. The St. Paul Pioneer Press reported that though the conference was well-attended, most of the participants were in their 50’s and 60’s, betraying their origins in the baby boomer sexual revolution of the 1960’s. Called “Outward Signs: Lesbian/ Gay Catholics in a […]

Holland to Allow Baby Euthanasia

Holland to Allow Baby Euthanasia by By Gudrun Schultz GRONINGEN, Holland, March 6, 2006 ( – It will be legal to euthanize children in Holland within a few weeks. Doctors will now be able to collaborate openly with parents for the death of severely handicapped or suffering children, without risking charges of murder. The country has set up a committee to regulate the illicit killing of seriously ill infants by doctors. The Groningen Protocol, drafted by euthanist Dr. Verhagen of the Groningen hospital and adopted by the committee, will allow doctors to kill children who are suffering extreme pain […]

Naming Names – 12 Catholic Colleges have Pro-Abortion Commencement Speakers for 2007

Naming Names – 12 Catholic Colleges have Pro-Abortion Commencement Speakers for 2007 by MANASSAS, VA, May 7, 2007 ( – The number of scandalous commencement speakers and honorees on Catholic campuses this spring appears to have declined dramatically compared to previous years, the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) announced today. For the past nine years CNS research has identified invited commencement speakers or honorees at Catholic colleges who have taken public positions contrary to Catholic values or teaching. In 2006, CNS research uncovered problems at 24 colleges with speakers or honorees who publicly advocated for abortion rights, embryonic stem-cell research, […]

Retired US Bishop Pushes Church Acceptance of Homosexuality in Opposition to Rome

Retired US Bishop Pushes Church Acceptance of Homosexuality in Opposition to Rome by By Gudrun Schultz BROOKLYN, New York, October 4, 2006 ( – Retired Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Sullivan, of Brooklyn, has called on Catholics who minister to active homosexuals to work towards bringing them into “full participation in the life of the church,” in a call for pastoral acceptance that dismisses Church teaching opposing homosexual activity. Speaking to a conference of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries Sept. 21-24, Bishop Sullivan said Catholic pastoral care towards homosexuals should be “accepting, welcoming, encouraging,” care that […]

We have a BIG problem!

Today we launch our very important summer campaign with a BIG problem. But fortunately, we also have a fabulous potential solution!

Abortionist Hodari Officially Under Investigation for Forced Abortions

Abortionist Hodari Officially Under Investigation for Forced Abortions by LANSING, MI, February 1, 2010 ( – Operation Rescue says it has been notified by the Michigan Department of Community Health in two letters that abortionist Abraham Alberto Hodari is officially under investigation by the Bureau of Health Profession for his involvement in forced abortions. The complaint against Hodari was filed by Operation Rescue President Troy Newman after receiving information about a lawsuit filed by Caitlin Bruce, alleging that Hodari committed a forced abortion on her in 2008, after she withdrew her consent. Bruce stated that she changed her mind […]

Dutch MDs: OK to put sick baby out of PARENT’S misery

Despite infanticide still being murder under (the rarely enforced) Netherlander criminal code, the Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has issued an ethics opinion holding that doctors may euthanize dying babies to end the parents’ suffering. From the story (Google translation): When parents [of a dying child] can not stand it anymore, physicians may hasten death, the KNMG decided. On this issue existed for years ambiguity. Doctors should accelerate death in a dying child [using] muscle relaxants if the death takes so long that it is better for the parents not to see severe suffering. It’s about real life without newborns for whom further treatment by doctors is […]

The New York Times flunks Public Health 101

The New York Times Magazine has published a fawning article about an ongoing research project, sponsored by the University of California, San Francisco, about women who sought abortions but were unable to obtain them because of the gestational age of the unborn child. The research project is certainly interesting and should be of value to all parties in the abortion debate, but the Times’coverage is predictably disappointing. It offers no scrutiny about the preliminary findings and it seriously distorts and misrepresents current public-health research about abortion.  Throughout the article, the author takes considerable pains to give the impression that there is a strong scholarly consensus that abortion poses no serious health […]

Emergency Contraception: The abortion reducer that isn’t

To the surprise of exactly no one, Planned Parenthod President Cecile Richards is thrilled that so-called emergency contraception (hereafter:EC) is now available over-the-counter with no age restrictions. This means that 16 year old girls (and boys) can now get the morning-after pill without a prescription. So can 15 year olds, and 14 year olds, and 13 year olds, and 12 year olds, etc., despite the fact that the age of consent in every state is between 16 and 18. It would be dangerously naïve to believe that making EC available to all teens and pre-teens will have any positive impact at all. On the other hand, […]


NEW WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION CHIEF INVOLVED IN POPULATION CONTROL VACCINE SCANDAL by GENEVA, January 30, 2003 ( – Dr. Jong Wook Lee, a relatively unknown World Health Organization (WHO) insider beat out high profile competitors to become the head of the World Health Organization Tuesday. Other candidates for the post included Dr. Julio Frenk Mora – currently Mexico’s Minister of Health and Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi – the Prime Minister of Mozambique. However, Lee’s work with WHO included being in charge of and weathering one of the most scandalous accusations to be brought against the organization. Lee, a vaccine expert […]

The Trial of Kathleen Sebelius

The Trial of Kathleen Sebelius by Commentary by Deal W. Hudson March 16, 2009 ( – Late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller will stand trial in Wichita beginning today, charged with 19 misdemeanor counts of failing to obtain a mandatory second, independent physician’s opinion to performing a late-term abortion. Tiller is accused of having a financial relationship with his partnered physician, Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who provided the second opinions. (Evidently it’s not so easy to find another physician who agrees with the medical “necessity” of these procedures.) Regardless of what happens to Tiller, there is no doubt that his […]

Homosexual Activist Appeals Exoneration of Canadian Pastor Boissoin

Homosexual Activist Appeals Exoneration of Canadian Pastor Boissoin by By Patrick B. Craine CALGARY, Alberta, March 30, 2010 ( – The homosexual activist who has pursued Alberta Pastor Stephen Boissoin on a complaint of discrimination since 2002 has re-launched his campaign after a December court defeat, taking his case to the Alberta Court of Appeal. Dr. Darren Lund is appealing the December 4th Court of Queen’s Bench decision by Justice Earl C. Wilson, who overturned a 2008 ruling against Boissoin by the Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC). The AHRC was dealing with a complaint from Lund over a June […]

Obama Cover-up Revealed On Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Bill

Obama Cover-up Revealed On Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Bill by Commentary by NRLC August 11, 2008 ( – New documents just obtained by the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) prove that Senator Obama has for the past four years blatantly misrepresented his actions on the Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection bill. Douglas Johnson, NRLC spokesman, explains: “Newly obtained documents prove that in 2003, Barack Obama, as chairman of an Illinois state Senate committee, voted down a bill to protect live-born survivors of abortion – even after the panel had amended the bill to contain verbatim languageâEUR¦explicitly foreclosing any impact on […]

“If Jesus Returns, Kill Him Again” says NDP Supporting Atheist Campaigner

“If Jesus Returns, Kill Him Again” says NDP Supporting Atheist Campaigner by By Hilary White BURNABY, December 13, 2005 ( – A British Columbia man, David Bedford, has undertaken a personal campaign against the presence Christianity in public life in general and the Conservative Party of Canada in particular, claiming that a vote for Stephen Harper’s Conservatives is a vote for “religious extremism.” Claiming to be an NDP supporter, Bedford irritated police across Canada last week by setting up websites with names similar to those of local police units that automatically redirect visitors to the NDP campaign website.  […]

Google Settles Out Of Court after Being Sued for Refusing Pro-Life Ad

Google Settles Out Of Court after Being Sued for Refusing Pro-Life Ad by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski LONDON, September 17, 2008 ( – Internet giant Google has settled out of court with The Christian Institute and will now allow religious groups to place factual and campaigning ads on the subject of abortion. The Christian Institute, a pro-life and pro-family Christian lobbying and education organization, took legal action against Google after it rejected an ad in March with its search-related advertising system, AdWords, which read: “UK abortion law: Key views and news on abortion law from The Christian Institute.” […]

Google to be Sued for Anti-Christian Discrimination for Refusing Advertising

Google to be Sued for Anti-Christian Discrimination for Refusing Advertising by By Hilary White LONDON, April 8, 2008 ( – A pro-life and pro-family Christian lobbying and education organisation is taking the internet giant Google to court over the latter’s refusal to allow advertisements about abortion that contain religious content. When the Christian Institute, a UK registered charity, asked Google for site-targeted advertising, the company refused citing the proposed ad for “inappropriate content”. The Institute is suing, saying the refusal constituted discrimination on the grounds of religious belief, a violation of Britain’s anti-discrimination laws. A spokesman for the Institute […]

New Major Study Catalogues How Porn Harms Marriages, Children, Communities and Individuals

New Major Study Catalogues How Porn Harms Marriages, Children, Communities and Individuals by By John-Henry Westen WASHINGTON, December 2, 2009 ( – The Family Research Council (FRC) has released a comprehensive study on the devastating effects of pornography, identifying its harms to countless marriages, children, individuals and communities. “Pornography corrodes the conscience, promotes distrust between husbands and wives and debases untold thousands of young women,” explains the study’s author Dr. Pat Fagan, Senior Fellow at FRC and Director of the Center for Research on Marriage and Religion. While it is often said that it is harmless entertainment, the evidence […]

Google to Pay Homosexual Staff More than Heterosexual Employees

Google to Pay Homosexual Staff More than Heterosexual Employees by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski July 5, 2010 ( – A news release from Google says that the mega-search engine company will begin paying its homosexual employees more than their heterosexual counterparts. Citing a tax law that says health insurance benefits paid to civil partners of homosexual employees are considered taxable income, while benefits provided to married spouses are not taxed, Google announced it will rectify the tax “discrimination” against homosexuals by paying them the difference. On average an extra $1,069 per year will be given to homosexuals, according to […]

Top 10 Pro-Abortion Moments of 2008

Top 10 Pro-Abortion Moments of 2008 by 1) NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT! ( Dear leader, President-elect Barack Obama at a town-hall meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in March: “Look, I got two daughters – 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” Comment: President-elect Obama demonstrates his disdain for the sanctity of preborn babies by stating that children are “punishments” instead of miracles and blessings. 2) HOLDING OUT FOR A RAISE? ( President-elect […]

Leading Political Party in Belgium Calls for Euthanasia for Teens and Children

Leading Political Party in Belgium Calls for Euthanasia for Teens and Children by By John-Henry Westen BRUSSELS, March 26, 2008 ( – The Leader of the Belgium Liberals, the primary Party in the Belgian coalition Government, has called for legal euthanasia to be permitted for teens and children. The 2002 law which permitted euthanasia on newborns and terminally ill patients suffering “constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain” currently restricts euthanasia to newborns and those over 18 years of age. Bart Tommelein, Leader of Belgium Liberals, said his Party would seek approval for measures to extend euthanasia to teens […]


POLICE ARREST MEDIA OUTSIDE TORONTO ABORTUARY – CONFISCATE FILM by TORONTO, Oct 15 ( – Canadian pro-life hero Linda Gibbons was arrested again today outside the Scott abortuary in Toronto, three weeks after her last release from prison. The arrest was extremely unusual since media covering the protest from within the no-protest zone were also arrested. Freelance journalist Sue Careless, LifeSite Director Steve Jalsevac, on assignment for the Interim and LifeSite, and Gordon Truscott, who is writing a book on Linda’s life, were all handcuffed and taken into police custody despite repeatedly informing the officers that they were official […]

Peruvian Government Shelves Investigation into Massive Forced Sterilizations of Indigenous Women

Peruvian Government Shelves Investigation into Massive Forced Sterilizations of Indigenous Women by By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent LIMA, June 19, 2009 ( – Peru’s government has decided to end its investigation against former health officials for thousands of forced sterilizations carried out during the late 1990s, under president Alberto Fujimori. Human rights organizations have thoroughly documented evidence that women were physically coerced, threatened, tricked, and enticed with economic incentives during the implementation of the program, which sterilized a total of approximately 400,000 Peruvian women in just two years, 1997 and 1998, with the help of the United […]

Planned Parenthood Partnered in Safe School Czar’s “Fistgate” Scandals

Planned Parenthood Partnered in Safe School Czar’s “Fistgate” Scandals by By Peter J. Smith BOSTON, December 9, 2009 ( – Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, was a collaborator in the sex-education scandal now known as “Fistgate” that has enmeshed Obama’s “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings in recent days. According to information posted at Andrew Brietbart’s Big Government blog, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in 2000 held its 10 Year Anniversary GLSEN/Boston conference at Tufts University. At that time Jennings was the executive director of GLSEN. At the 2000 event, which was cosponsored by the […]

US Catholic University Approves Gay Straight Partnership Club

US Catholic University Approves Gay Straight Partnership Club by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski PORTLAND, Oregon, February 20, 2008 ( – The University of Portland, a Catholic university run by the Holy Cross Fathers, has officially recognized the university’s first-ever sexuality club, the Gay Straight Partnership (GSP). The GSP’s mission, according to the club’s constitution, is “to build a community that is open and welcoming to all students” and “to help all students grow in friendship, knowledge, faith and service.” Although the university administration had turned down previous requests to form a homosexual student’s club (in 1994 and 1999), the […]

Breaking: Dr. Howell Reinstated by U. of Illinois

Breaking: Dr. Howell Reinstated by U. of Illinois by By Kathleen Gilbert Updated 6:23pm EST URBANA, Illinois, July 29, 2010 ( – Dr. Kenneth Howell, the professor barred from teaching after a student complained about his explanation of the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality, in a class on Catholicism, has been reinstated by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). News spread rapidly of the censure earlier this month of Dr. Howell, whose scheduled classes next fall had been cancelled based on one student’s complaint that an email from the professor to students in the class explaining how homosexuality is […]

Abortion Clinic That Refused To Help Mother Whose Baby Was Born Alive Facing Legal Complaints

Abortion Clinic That Refused To Help Mother Whose Baby Was Born Alive Facing Legal Complaints by ORLANDO, April 29, 2005 ( – On Wednesday, Liberty Counsel,Âa nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family, filed two complaints against the abortion clinic that refused to help a mother whose baby was born alive at the clinic. The complaints were filed with the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. The mother, Angele, is represented by Liberty Counsel. Angele had gone to the EPOC […]

Forced fatherhood: NYT piece laments men being forced to support kids they ‘accidentally’ conceived

Earlier this week, I was asked on a radio program what I as a pro-life activist had to say about Father’s Day. My answer was simple: Where are all the fathers? In today’s hookup culture, the dynamics of so-called “choice” (and, for that matter, so-called “family”) are becoming increasingly messy and complex. Women and men alike—and more often, teenagers—have separated sex and pregnancy to the extent that they seem to have forgotten how it is, exactly, that humans reproduce. As the result of this, the logical extension of the twisted “pro-choice” ideology is starting to gain recognition: As political philosopher […]

The media get it wrong on Quebec euthanasia proposal … again

As I reported here previously, Quebec will be debating the legalization of euthanasia–not assisted suicide–a bill that does not limit medicalized killing to dying patients. But don’t tell that to so-called journalists, who are busily about the task of badly misstating what the proposal would permit. I mentioned a Toronto Star example in my original post. Now, AFP has also misreported the story: The government of Canada’s mostly French-speaking Quebec province on Wednesday unveiled legislation allowing terminally ill patients to kill themselves with a doctor’s help. The bill, expected to be passed into law as early as September, would make Quebec the first province in […]

Killing is not healthcare: why Quebec’s euthanasia bill MUST be defeated

The Quebec government has introduced a bill, to legalize euthanasia through the back-door. After two government reports and input from its citizens, Quebec is considering the legalization of euthanasia (not assisted suicide) as a form of medical treatment by establishing prosecution guidelines stating that euthanasia will not be prosecuted under certain circumstances. Opposition to euthanasia is based on three main concerns. 1. No person, institution or government agency should be given the right or power to take the life of a human person.  2. The power of one person, to cause the death of another person, will be abused. Human […]

Pope Condemns Euthanasia and Embryonic Stem Cell Research as Barbarism

Pope Condemns Euthanasia and Embryonic Stem Cell Research as Barbarism by VATICAN, November 12, 2004 ( – In a November 9 message from Pope John Paul II to the president of the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors, the Pope condemned euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. “There are no lives that are not worth living; there is no suffering, no matter how grave, that can justify killing a life; there are no reasons, no matter how noble, that make plausible the creation of human beings, destined to be used and destroyed,” said the Pope. The Pope added, “No type […]

Boston cops must defer to transgender crooks

Officers must use a transgender suspect's preferred first name, find out whether the person likes to be called “he” or “she,” allow him to choose whether male or female officers perform his frisking.

Journalist/TV personality in open letter to mom: ‘I’m sorry I didn’t kill you’

An Australian journalist and TV personality who is campaigning for legal euthanasia has penned an emotional open letter to her deceased mother in which she describes how close she came to killing her by smothering her with a pillow, and apologizes for not carrying through with the homicide.  The letter begins: I'm so sorry I didn't kill you. I came close, believe me. The pillow was millimetres from your mouth. But I just couldn't do it. Tracey Spicer explains that her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the pancreas and the lungs. Although she opted to undergo chemotherapy, doctors […]

Would giving royal assent to the gay marriage bill place the queen in breach of her coronation oath?

At her coronation in 1953 Queen Elizabeth II was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England?’  She replied, ‘All this I promise to do’. The Queen is a committed Christian believer who takes very seriously her duty to […]

Mother, caregiver stab autistic son to death to ‘put him out of his misery’

An autistic teenager was murdered by his mother to “end his suffering. From the CBS Chicago story: Cook County prosecutors said a west suburban woman and family caregiver planned for at least a week to kill the mother’s 14-year-old son, because they believed he wasn’t getting sufficient care for his autism…Prosecutors said the two women plotted for a week to kill Alex, who suffered from a severe form of autism, because they thought he had received inadequate medical care, and wanted to put him out of his misery. CBS 2’s Mike Puccinelli reports Alex Spourdalakis was found dead from multiple stab wounds on […]

Health board again tries to force midwives to supervise abortions

Two Glasgow midwives, who won a landmark legal battle to avoid taking any part in abortion procedures, may now have to return to court. Last April appeal judges ruled that the right of Mary Doogan and Concepta Wood (pictured) to conscientious objection meant they could refuse to delegate, supervise or support staff involved in abortions. The verdict marked the first time in Britain that the right to conscientious objection was deemed to extend beyond direct participation. But a spokesperson for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) has now said that it is the health board’s intention to appeal the decision of the Inner House […]

Planned Parenthood uses mergers to handle affiliate noncompliance with mandatory abortion rule

In December 2010 Planned Parenthood ordered all its affiliates to begin offering abortions at a minimum of one clinic location by the beginning of 2013. At the time the number of Planned Parenthood affiliates stood at 87, far below their all-time high of 200+. That number has now now shrunken further to 73 with the news earlier this week that Planned Parenthood of Kentucky was merging with Planned Parenthood of Indiana to create the too cute acronym, PPINK. But Planned Parenthood’s flowery explanation for the merge masked the real reason, according to Jim Sedlak of American Life League’s STOPP in an email to me. There is an overriding factor that is not mentioned in the article. At the beginning of 2013, […]

There’s no such thing as ‘personally pro-life’

When confronted with an uncomfortable issue—and one which people have very strong views on—people often try to find a middle road, a way of agreeing with everyone, or at least not angering them. If those people are politicians, they’re often as talented at accomplishing this as a rubber man playing Twister. And so, in response to anti-abortion postcards depicting MP Rick Dykstra and a 20-week aborted baby, the St. Catharine’s Standard reported that, “His office would only say that while Dykstra is personally pro-life, he stands firm behind Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision not to reopen the abortion debate in Canada.” This […]

Child euthanasia is coming to Belgium

Child euthanasia: It’s all over but the final voting in Belgium as the Parliament agrees across party lines that doctors should be able to euthanize children. From the Presseurop story: In the wake of several months of testimony from doctors and experts in medical ethics, a Belgian Senate committee will on June 12 examine the possible extension of the country’s euthanasia law to include children.  “On both sides of the linguistic border, liberals and socialists appear to agree on the fact that age should not be regarded as a decisive criteria in the event of a request for euthanasia,”De Morgen. They want doctors to decide […]

Abortion in Croatia is Down 90% Since 1989 Thanks to Strong Catholic Bishops

Abortion in Croatia is Down 90% Since 1989 Thanks to Strong Catholic Bishops by By John-Henry Westen ZAGREB, December 17, 2007 ( – Croatia has experienced a very dramatic drop in the abortion rate from 1989 when the nation’s 51,289 abortions were nearly equal to the number of live births. The latest statistics, from 2005, indicate there were 4,563 abortions – a drop of nearly 90% since 1989. Significantly the law on abortion has not changed. The main reason for the change of hearts and minds on abortion in the country has been the strength of the leadership of […]

European Committee Upholds Pro-Abstinence Sex Education Program

European Committee Upholds Pro-Abstinence Sex Education Program by STRASBOURG, France, August 25, 2009 ( – The body that polices compliance with the European Social Charter, a human rights document binding on all states within the Council of Europe, has deemed a pro-abstinence sex education program used in many Croatian schools to be acceptable. Alliance Defense Fund Legal Counsel Roger Kiska represented the organization that produced the curriculum, which provided his briefs to the government of Croatia to aid in its defense of the program, preferred by the vast majority of Croatian families over a radically leftist option. “Parents should […]

Gov. drags its feet for almost 18 months over investigating docs who pre-signed abortion forms

Last July I blogged about the 14 NHS abortion clinics which according to reports by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the health service regulator in England, had broken the law by allowing doctors to pre-sign forms authorising abortions.  The story was covered by the BBC, Telegraph, Daily Mail and Guardian.  The breaches were uncovered in an investigation ordered by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley who asked the CQC to investigate whether the practice, first identified in January 2012, was widespread. The Abortion Act 1967 requires a form (HSA1) certifying that the requirements for a termination have been met to be signed by two doctors before the procedure takes place. Click “like” […]

A right to abort but not to give birth?

I have noticed over the years that many bioethics death pro choicers (autonomy) actually envision the right as a one way street; a right to die but not a right to live. For example, almost all agree that we have a right to refuse medical treatment–even if it means we die. Okay, I’m cool with that. Most others say that seriously ill/disabled/mentally ill should be able to access assisted suicide or a lethal jab from doctors. I am definitely not cool with that. But then, when some patients want life-extending treatment with which the bioethicists disagree, well autonomy has its limits. Suddenly, doctors and bioethics […]

Two more Planned Parenthoods close; number of clinics down 23% since 1995

I was researching something last week and stumbled on an announcement by Planned Parenthood of Northeast, Mid-Penn & Bucks County in Pennsylvania that it was shuttering its Carlisle clinic. This is not an abortion mill; it is what pro-lifers call a “feeder” – a conduit to PP abortion mills. But its closure is still a boon for the health and welfare of that community. And Planned Parenthood’s political influence will be removed from the area. Add this to the news last week that the Planned Parenthood feeder clinic in Herkimer, New York, was also closing, and my latest tally is that the U.S. is down to 722 Planned Parenthoods, from a high in 1995 of […]

Homosexual Adoption Ends 100 Years of Adoption Services by Boston Catholic Charities

Homosexual Adoption Ends 100 Years of Adoption Services by Boston Catholic Charities by By John-Henry Westen BOSTON, March 10, 2006 ( – The board of directors of Catholic Charities today announced that Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Boston, will not seek a renewal of its contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide adoption services. Catholic Charities will work with the Department of Social Services and other appropriate agencies to make this transition as smoothly as possible. Late last year, the Pope’s representative to the United States asked the Boston Archbishop, now Cardinal, Sean O’Malley to end the practice of […]

Scouts sending up the white flag

Do not suppose that your enemies will be placated by your surrender. You will be pressured to accept openly homosexual scoutmasters, then “transgender” girls who say they are boys or the Prince of Wales or male aliens from Alpha Centauri 3.

Pregnant Women Murdered by Partners After Refusing Abortions

Pregnant Women Murdered by Partners After Refusing Abortions by By Gudrun Schultz PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, October 18, 2006 ( – A man was convicted yesterday of two counts of first degree murder in the death of his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn baby, after she refused to have an abortion, the Associated Press reported. Stephen Poaches, 27, was found guilty in a nonjury trial of the strangling death of 24-year-old LaToyia Figueroa and her five-month unborn child. Assistant District Attorney Carlos Vega said Poaches wanted Figueroa to have an abortion, but she refused. “He did not want this child to […]

Canadians’ Resignation from Order of Canada over Morgentaler Award Accepted

Canadians’ Resignation from Order of Canada over Morgentaler Award Accepted by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, January 12, 2010 ( – Governor General Michaëlle Jean has accepted the resignations of Father Lucien Larré and Mr. Renato Giuseppe from the Order of Canada, according to information published in the Canada Gazette on January 9. Father Larré, a Catholic priest in British Columbia, returned his Order of Canada medal to the GG in July, 2008 as a protest against the appointment of abortionist Dr. Henry Morgentaler to the Order, saying that Morgentaler’s investiture into the highly prestigious Order was “a terrible […]

Another Resignation from Order of Canada over Morgentaler Debacle

Another Resignation from Order of Canada over Morgentaler Debacle by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 20, 2010 ( – Governor General Michaelle Jean has officially accepted Frank Chauvin’s resignation from the Order of Canada, according to information published in the Canada Gazette, on April 17, 2010. Mr. Chauvin, who was inducted into the Order in 1987 for his work in support of Haitian orphans, announced his intention to return his Order of Canada medal in July 2008 in protest over the appointment of Canadian arch-abortionist Dr. Henry Morgentaler to the Order. “Yes, it’s definitely going. I don’t want […]

Controversy Heats up over Cardinal McCarrick Downplaying Vatican Direction on Communion

Controversy Heats up over Cardinal McCarrick Downplaying Vatican Direction on Communion by WASHINGTON, July 7, 2004 ( – With the release of the letter from Cardinal Ratzinger stating Communion must be denied to obstinately pro-abortion Catholic politicians, Cardinal McCarrick’s report on the letter given at the U.S. Bishops Meeting last month has come under fire. pointed out the discrepancy between Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter and Cardinal McCarrick’s presentation of that letter in a July 5 article. On July 6 a Washington Times headline read “McCarrick tempered letter on pro-choice politicians.” Times reporter Julia Duin reports that McCarrick “downplayed” the […]

Study Finds Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after Abortions

Study Finds Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after Abortions by By Kathleen Gilbert January 13, 2010 ( – Men and women who felt they had inadequate counseling before an abortion, as well as those who disagreed with their partners about the decision to abort, were more likely to experience personal and interpersonal problems following the procedure, according to a new paper published in the medical journal Traumatology. Researchers Catherine T. Coyle, Priscilla K. Coleman, and Vincent M. Rue – all experts in the after-effects of abortion – collected data via online surveys from 374 women who had a prior abortion and […]

Obama Promises to Fund Coercive China One-Child Policy Collaborator UNFPA

Obama Promises to Fund Coercive China One-Child Policy Collaborator UNFPA by By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., January 26, 2009 ( – Following on the heels of the elimination of the Mexico City Policy, President Obama has confirmed that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which helped instigate, perpetuate and enforce China’s coercive one-child policy, will again receive taxpayer dollars. Appended to the statement announcing the end of the Mexico City Policy, Obama said: “In addition, I look forward to working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund. “By resuming funding to UNFPA, the U.S. […]

“Sex Manual” for 12 Year Old School Children has Nova Scotia Parents Riled

“Sex Manual” for 12 Year Old School Children has Nova Scotia Parents Riled by HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, September 17, 2004 ( – A sex manual, aimed at Nova Scotia school children from grade seven and older, has many parents fuming. The manual—Sex? A Healthy Sexuality Resource—contains subject materials totally inappropriate for children, according to a parents group, Parent Advocates for Accountability Group (PAAG). As a result of parental concern, the proposed deadline for the release of the booklet has been extended from September 9 to the end of the month, giving parents time to review the 124 page document […]

Quinnipiac poll greatly overstates support for Cuomo’s abortion expansion bill

Various media outlets, including the Albany Times Union, have favorably reported on a recent Quinnipiac University poll. This survey purportedly finds that two thirds of New York residents support the abortion-expansion provisions included in Governor Cuomo’s revamped Women’s Equality Act. However, these results greatly overstate the amount of public support for Governor Cuomo’s proposal. Respondents were asked only if they “support allowing late-term abortions when the woman’s health is at risk, but her life is not at risk.” This was misleading for a couple of reasons. First, the Roe v. Wade decision already allows for late-term abortions when a woman’s health is at risk. […]

Why our leaders are boring

There are few politicians who do not claim that “youth engagement” in politics is near and dear to his or her heart. As any young person who has attempted to get involved in politics on any level can testify, politicians are generally more than thrilled to see any young person (of voting age, mind you) show up to any political event—when as a university student I showed up with a friend at a Stephen Harper rally, a campaign staffer promptly stuffed us into Conservative t-shirts, handed us signs, and ushered us to the seats directly behind the podium with a […]

Doctors recommended that all three of these mothers abort their babies

The Daily Mail has an amazing article profiling three different mothers who were pressured by their doctors to abort one or more of their children. From the story: Kirsty was told to destroy TWO of her triplets to ensure she'd keep one Anne Marie was pressured not to keep her Down's syndrome baby Fiona was told her baby might be disabled and to should consider aborting What would you do if a doctor recommended you abort a much-wanted child? It's a heart-rending situation no woman would ever want to face. But these three mums found themselves confronting that very dilemma […]

Want to avoid an STI? Be abstinent, marry a virgin, be faithful. It’s amazingly effective.

Hot on the heels of Holly actor Michael Douglas’ claim that his oral cancer was the result of oral sex (also see here) comes today’s report  that diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections rose to almost half a million in England last year, with the highest rates in those aged under 25. According to Public Health England, there were 448,422 diagnoses in 2012 – a rise of 5% from 2011. The data show too many people are putting themselves at risk through unsafe sex, it says. People aged under 25 made up 64% of all chlamydia and 54% of genital warts diagnoses in heterosexuals in 2012. […]

Abortion advocate claims graphic photos are doctored, doesn’t know basic fetal development facts

Pro-choice blogger Katie Klabusich, a former Chicago area abortion clinic escort, recently wrote a post entitled, “Picketers vs. Patients.” In the post she parrots the worn out liberal talking point that pro-life sidewalk counselors and prayer partners are actually “killing women” by scaring them so badly they are forced into the arms of the likes of convicted murderer and abortionist Kermit Gosnell. This is, of course, patently false. Most women drive or walk right by sidewalk counselors without a care in the world. After all, as much as Klabusich wants to make it sound like a horrible gauntlet, we’re talking […]

Abortion Survivor Takes Obama to Task Over Born Alive Infants Protection Act in New Ad

Abortion Survivor Takes Obama to Task Over Born Alive Infants Protection Act in New Ad by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski September 16, 2008 ( – has produced a video ad in which abortion survivor Gianna Jessen questions Barack Obama for his active opposition as state senator to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act. “Can you imagine not giving babies their basic human rights, no matter how they entered our world?” begins the ad. “My name is Gianna Jessen, born 31 years ago after a failed abortion. I’m a survivor, as are many othersâEUR¦but if Barack Obama had […]

Ontario Catholic High Schools Promote Modesty in Dress Code

Ontario Catholic High Schools Promote Modesty in Dress Code by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, August 28, 2009 ( – Most of the twenty-five Catholic schools in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have opted to phase out the kilt skirt as part of the uniform worn by girls in the schools in a move to teach and encourage traditional values of modesty for the students. A problem with many students not leaving their skirt hemlines at the approved kneecap height has prompted board officials and school principals to conclude that a change to black slacks for girls […]

Two-year-old in ‘vegetative state’ wakes up after adult stem cell treatment

Wow. A child with cerebral palsy who suffered a cardiac arrest and became – they thought – permanently unconscious, appears to have been successfully treated with his own stored umbilical cord blood stem cells. From the Science Daily story: Bochum’s medics have succeeded in treating cerebral palsy with autologous cord blood. Following a cardiac arrest with severe brain damage, a 2.5 year old boy had been in a persistent vegetative state — with minimal chances of survival. Just two months after treatment with the cord blood containing stem cells, the symptoms improved significantly; over the following months, the child learned to speak simple sentences […]

Media hypes attacks on Turkish protesters, ignores attacks on French pro-marriage protesters

A picture on the front page of showed a young woman in a red dress being sprayed with teargas by Turkish police. It is a shocking image, and CNN refers to it as an “icon” and “symbol” of the Turkish protestors and the heavy-handed response by the police—indicting the brutality and lack of human decency of the current Islamist Turkish government. Why then, when the same kinds of police brutality broke out in France during a mega-protest against a same-sex “marriage” law, did CNN and other large media outlets not publish similar pictures? In many ways the brutality in France was […]

Memo to doctors: Don’t like protesters outside your office? Don’t do abortions.

An article about our recent protests of abortionist Cheryl Chastine appeared last week in the Chicago Tribune, making it clear that Chastine should expect to be seeing us outside her office on a regular basis. The purpose of our protests is simple: Chastine is killing babies at South Wind Women’s Center abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, and we want her to quit. South Wind is owned by Trust Women, a PAC led by lobbyist Julie Burkhart, a former employee of abortionist George Tiller. Burkhart was quoted in the article as saying: If you have a medical practice that also incorporates abortion care into it, […]

It is time to bury the bodies of Gosnell’s victims and bring closure to this horrific case

Our nation was outraged, and rightly so, to learn of the gruesome practices of abortionist Kermitt Gosnell, who killed babies both inside and outside the womb, and stored their body parts in milk jugs, orange juice cartons, cat food containers, and freezer bags. In the 2010 raid on his abortion clinic, the bodies of 45 children were discovered, most of whom were in the second trimester of pregnancy. They have been in the possession of the Philadelphia Medical Examiner during the course of the various legal proceedings against Dr. Gosnell. He has been sentenced and has indicated he will not […]

Planned Parenthood’s ‘3%’: ‘The most meaningless abortion statistic ever’

Listen to Planned Parenthood and “providing” abortions is not only a public service, it is such a small part of all that it does that it hardly merits mentioning. It’s only those mean old pro-lifers—such as Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon, NRLC’s Director of Education—who insist on making the insignificant (abortion makes up “only 3%” of PPFA’s services) seem significant. Of course as Dr. O’Bannon has explained many times, that 3% figure is ridiculously misleading. Recently, Rachael Larimore, writing on, did an excellent job illuminating what she calls “The Most Meaningless Abortion Statistic Ever.” She unpacks that lie (my word, […]

Illinois defeat proves same-sex 'marriage' is not inevitable

SPRINGFIELD, IL, June 6, 2013 (Heritage Foundation) – On Friday, the Illinois legislature ended its session, failing to pass a much-anticipated same-sex marriage bill. The New York Times reports that the bill’s failure to reach a vote in the State House was apparently due to a lack of votes supporting the redefinition—despite a Democratic supermajority. President Obama, along with Governor Pat Quinn (D) and Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel (D), urged passage of the bill. Given such political winds, many had cast Illinois an easy “win” for advocates of redefining marriage. According to one news outlet, “The failure of the measure in Illinois interrupts that narrative.” “The momentum has been stopped,” said David […]

Good medical care, not abortion, the answer in El Salvador

On the back of yet another tragic case of human pain and suffering, some abortion advocates try to push through their agenda of widespread access to killing the littlest amongst us.  The recent health problems of a pregnant woman and her pre-born child in El Salvador have been drawing worldwide attention—and some abortion advocates are riding on that attention to legalize something both unethical and unnecessary. Just like with the recent controversial pregnancy cases in Ireland and the Dominican Republic, in El Salvador, legalized abortion wasn’t, and isn’t, the answer either. In this most recent case, a 22-year-old woman identified only as Beatriz, […]

Christian university retaliates against pro-life student for showing graphic reality of abortion

Four months ago Diana Jimenez had an epiphany. “I was pro-life but had no idea what an abortion looked like,” Diana told me today by phone. “Then I actually saw a video of an abortion, and my heart broke in pieces.” A senior nursing student at Biola, a Christian university in La Mirada, California, Diana (pictured right) promptly launched a pro-life group and invited Gregg Cunningham, executive director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, to speak. After a great deal of energy was expended to publicize, only four students showed up. Diana was compelled to attempt greater outreach, and the clock was ticking, with graduation just around the corner. “I […]

Cardinal Mahony Honors Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Clinton Campaign Manager

Cardinal Mahony Honors Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Clinton Campaign Manager by LOS ANGELES, September 16, 2005 ( – The annual service award for the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles is billed as rewards for “long and distinguished records of service,” according to the Los Angeles diocesan newspaper, the Tidings. Roger Cardinal Mahony, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, chose to include among this year’s recipients attorney William M. Wardlaw, “a parishioner of Holy Family Church in South Pasadena.” Wardlaw, according to the diocesan newspaper, is a “business executive who has served on numerous school and organization boards in the archdiocese including Catholic […]

Why is Cuomo expanding abortion in the state with the highest abortion rate? One word: presidency

Why would a governor of a state that NARAL already gives an A- to; that has no parental consent law, no 24 hour waiting period for abortions, and publicly funds abortions for women who receive public assistance; that is cursed with a major metropolis in which in some zip codes the abortion rate has reached a ghastly 60% among African-Americans possibly believe there is a “need” for more abortions including more late abortions? For the same reason New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is rolling his radical abortion proposal in among a ten point “Women’s Equality Agenda” and pretends the proposal […]

If Roe were overturned …

On the Boston Globe’s Brainiac blog, Kevin Hartnett highlights an academic study that offers insights as to what would happen to the abortion rate if Roe v. Wade were overturned. This study makes use of a unique dataset of abortions performed in New York State in 1971 and 1972. New York became one of the first U.S. states to legalize abortion in 1970 and kept accurate data on the age, race, and residence of those who obtained abortions. According to the authors, over 80 percent of women who traveled out of state to obtain an abortion went to New York. This National Bureau of Economic Research […]

After Another Church-Less Christmas, Coalition Asks: Is Obama a Christian Fraud?

After Another Church-Less Christmas, Coalition Asks: Is Obama a Christian Fraud? by By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., January 6, 2009 ( – The increasingly notorious lack of church involvement or public religious observance by the United State’s First Family has led one Christian organization to question the level of dedication President Obama truly feels to the religious identity that once lent such appeal to his campaign image. After attending church regularly during the 2008 Presidential campaign, Obama has not attended church on a regular basis since being elected President and has yet to find a church home. Obama, while […]

NPR asks if one-child policy, gendercide are good for Chinese women

June 4, 2013 ( – Seeing hundreds of millions of forced abortions, pandemic cultural misogyny, and high female suicide rates, NPR wonders if the one-child policy and sex-selective abortion aren't a huge step forward for feminism. While writing this story last week, on the fact that the scarcity of women means that getting married now costs Chinese men 10 years' income, I came across a “news” article written by National Public Radio. The author, Louisa Lim, dedicated numerous paragraphs to the argument that women – at least, the ones who survive – can now demand high “bride prices.” “In economic […]

Study Proves School Voucher Program Improves Public Schools

Study Proves School Voucher Program Improves Public Schools by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, March 5, 2009 ( – An in-depth and wide-ranging study by Dr. Greg Forster, Ph.D., of the Friedman Foundation for Education Choice, has concluded that school voucher programs in the US improve academic achievement in public schools. The school voucher program allows parents to use public funds to send their children to the school of their choice, public or private, and has been praised by many as among the most prominent and successful reforms in the education field. According to the Friedman Foundation, 160,000 […]

Hypocrisy: The Netherlands allows doctors to KILL disabled newborns, but supports disability treaty

The NYT editorialized today in favor of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, chastising Republicans for blocking USA ratification. That got me to thinking that the Dutch authorities allow doctors to kill babies born with disabilities and I don’t recall a single NYT editorial in defense of those murdered children. Also, I wondered whether the Dutch have ratified the Convention, which states in part: States Parties undertake to ensure and promote the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons with disabilities without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability. To this end, […]

Delaware abortionist throws Planned Parenthood under the bus

In a surprising turn of events, Planned Parenthood, notorious for tossing anyone in its way under the bus, has been thrown under the bus by the possibly unhinged abortionist in their Delaware “House of Horrors 2.0″. The story broke back in April that two nurses from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Wilmington, Delaware had come forward with allegations of unsafe conditions not unlike those found in Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia “House of Horrors.” The facility stopped performing abortions for a few weeks while investigations were conducted. Today, testimony comes forth from the abortionist himself, Dr. Timothy Liveright, who says he did nothing wrong, but […]

By the Numbers: The Ten Most Popular Stories of 2008

By the Numbers: The Ten Most Popular Stories of 2008 by January 7, 2008 ( – From the bizarre to the beautiful, in 2009 LifeSiteNews published thousands of original stories on many of the most important developments having to do with the issues of life, culture, faith and the family. But after crunching the numbers we found that the following ten stories came out on top as the most read stories of the past year. Many of these stories are just as important now as they were when they were first published. We hope you enjoy this […]

Canadian National Pro-Life Conference in Montreal November 17-19

Canadian National Pro-Life Conference in Montreal November 17-19 by MONTREAL, September 1, 2005 ( – The 2005 Canadian National Pro-Life conference, Life and Family 2005, will be held in Montreal this year from November 17-19 at St. Joseph’s Oratory on Mount Royal. Hosted by Campagne Quebec-Vie, and sponsored by Campaign Life Coalition, Canada and LifeCanada, this year’s lineup of speakers is sure to attract pro-life Canadians from across the country. Speakers include: Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, President emeritus, Pontifical Council for the Family; Stockwell Day, MP for the Conservative Party of Canada; author and artist Michael O’Brien; Archbishop Adam Exner, […]

Abortionist at ‘nightmare’ facility appeared in Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams

Where does Hollywood go when they need to cast an abortionist? Apparently no further than the nearest Planned Parenthood. It turns out that the abortionist in the film Blue Valentine, starring Hollywood A-list actors Ryan Gosling and Michele Williams, is none other than former Planned Parenthood abortionist Timothy Liveright, whose license was recently suspended in Delaware. The state's attorney general has accused Liveright of presenting a “a clear and immediate danger to the public.” One former nurse testified before the state Senate last week that the Planned Parenthood facility where Liveright worked was “an absolute nightmare,” saying she was “surprised that […]

Interview: Leading Vatican Prelate Says US Bishops’ document Partly to Blame for Election of Obama

Interview: Leading Vatican Prelate Says US Bishops’ document Partly to Blame for Election of Obama by By Hilary White, Rome Correspondent ROME, January 28, 2009 ( – A document of the US Catholic Bishops is partly to blame for the abandonment of pro-life teachings by voting Catholics and the election of the “most pro-abortion president” in US history, one of the Vatican’s highest officials said in an interview with Archbishop Raymond Burke, the prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, named a document on the election produced by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops that he said “led to confusion” […]

USCCB Releases Key Document Pledging Renewal of Scandal-Ridden Anti-Poverty Arm

USCCB Releases Key Document Pledging Renewal of Scandal-Ridden Anti-Poverty Arm by By Patrick B. Craine WASHINGTON, D.C., October 26, 2010 ( – Fourteen months after the scandal broke at the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) over their funding of groups that promote abortion, same-sex “marriage,” and contraception, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a detailed review of their domestic anti-poverty organization that is intended to spark renewal. Bishop Roger Morin of Biloxi, Mississippi, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Subcommittee for the CCHD, says the report neither accepts “business as usual” nor abandons CCHD’s focus on serving […]