When everything seems to be falling apart and nothing is going the way it should, I’m beginning to wonder if this just might be the time when God is doing some great, but hidden work.
The authors of three credible books take on the historical myths of World War II, the Crusades, and other events that modernists use to malign Catholics and Christians.
Anyone who still would have the temerity to make the bold proclamation that evolution is a fact is clearly out of the swim of things, writes Professor McInerney.
Faithful Christians protested and the company actually benefited from the attention with an increase in demand for its diapers, which will be made instead at the plant.
He would snip 'the infant's spinal cord with scissors,' twist its head off, or use his finger or forceps to 'crush the soft spot on the infant's head.'
Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto is encouraging clergy and laity to pray and fast, and he's hopeful that the Trump administration will restore a culture of life.
In the past few days our staff have been overwhelmed by the hundreds of inspiring and encouraging comments sent to us by donors to our Christmas fundraising campaign.
Prelates and pundits have been making public statements about Amoris Laetitia and its critics, clearly intending to reassure the public and to diminish the impact of the dubia.
Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the Minister of Internal Affairs, disputes reports that the Holy Father is upset with those seeking clarification on 'Amoris Laetitia.'
The common phrase we kept hearing that week in Rome is that there is a 'war' going on in the Church – a war of the progressives against the orthodox Catholics.
'What PP is really asking for is special favors so they can conduct shoddy, back-alley style abortions with contaminated surgical equipment without accountability.'
Ireland is a good nation because you’ve established a culture where people are loved and accepted. Please do not introduce a culture of death and discrimination.
'Cosmopolitan’s latest statement is an embarrassing attempt to save face amidst a rising generation that no longer tolerates sexually exploitive products.'
'My mum got pregnant with me when she was 17 and had me when she was 18. She chose. ... so I just want to you know encourage everybody to keep your babies.'
It now becomes clear what Pope Francis means when he states that 'time is greater than space' and priority must be given to time and to 'initiating processes rather than possessing spaces.'
I do think that Milo is brilliant, talented, and quick-witted. But none of that for me excuses his abrupt descent into increasingly vile language and vicious name-calling.
The four Cardinals join the singular ranks of a number of faithful bishops and cardinals who have faced excommunication, demotion, and censure from popes because of their faithfulness to the truths of the faith.
'It should surprise no one' that the abortion industry has no problem tearing apart babies and selling their bodies, said Live Action President Lila Rose.
LifeSite readers, this may be the most important letter that you read during this campaign! You might be surprised, as many are, the large number of staff it takes to run this mission!
The 'reinvention plan' was vehemently opposed by some who felt that a 'health care' focus would diminish the organization’s role as advocates for abortion rights.
When we realize what abortion actually is, we must choose to be silent and comfortable, or step out of that comfort into a battle that will stretch and test us.
He dared the General Assembly either to suspend him or watch him promote a far-reaching gamut of policies to further the homosexual agenda internationally.
Bishop Vitus Huonder cautions the faithful in a diocesan pastoral message that 'like murder, suicide is also contrary to the divine order of the world.'
December 8, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – “A certain kind of schism already exists in the Church,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider said, and it consists of those who align themselves with the pope to advance their careers yet reject Christ's fundamental teachings on marriage. Schneider, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan told this to TV Libertes in an interview addressing Amoris Laetitia and Schneider's support of the four cardinals' dubia to the pope asking for moral clarification. “My questioning of Amoris Laetitia first of all concerns the very concrete question of admitting so-called ‘remarried’ divorcees to Holy Communion,” he explained. “In fact, during the last […]
As a Catholic, I always cringe when I hear that line in what otherwise is a beautiful song, because it dishonors my spiritual mother by saying untrue things about her.
I can feel it in my bones. 2017 is going to be a HUGE year in the fight to protect the sanctity of life and marriage in the United States and around the world!
Saying 'the fix was in from the get-go,' Jim Walder is not giving up despite an order to pay $30,000 to a gay couple and more than $50,000 in attorney fees.
True liberal education should teach us that we do not only give ourselves away: we become ourselves by the gift. We become who we are by forgetting to think about who we are.
A religious program written by Catholics not convinced about the truths of the faith will only produce Catholics who will not be convinced about the truths of the faith.
Today is the first day of LifeSite’s year-end Christmas fundraising campaign. The Christmas campaign is by far our most important fundraiser of the year - so much so that the success of the coming year depends in large measure on the success of this campaign! This year we must raise a minimum of $300,000 by December 23rd to continue our mission into 2017.
Today is the first day of LifeSite’s year-end Christmas fundraising campaign - by far our most important fundraiser of the year! This year we must raise a minimum of $300,000 by December 23rd to continue our mission into 2017.
'In a city as diverse as New York City, it's hard to understand why the system in place has not been updated to aid parents who seek an educational alternative...'
Former MP Stephen Woodworth's organization staged a rally last week to protest the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario's 'inflexible' policy.
Moseley knitted 55 of the hats by himself and rallied staff and his fellow residents to bring the grand total to more than 300 baby hats for preemies in the NICU.
Why should any government seek to restrict or inhibit the human rights of its citizen’s, especially when it comes to our most fundamental rights, such as the right to life.
Permanent joy and salvation await us if we persevere in running the race of faith. Paradoxically, it comes from being deeply aware of our sinful condition.
Father Linton was standing on a public easement offering incoming mothers and fathers alternatives to abortion and praying for them to change their minds.
Advocates don't want Trump to reinstate the Mexico City Policy which requires that grantees of US foreign aid for family planning do not perform or actively promote abortions.
Though the man never acknowledged that he is homosexual, his Facebook page included a picture of him at a gay pride parade.
Indiana priest upholds Church teaching in barring advocate of LGBT cause from singing at funeral